If you haven't already noticed from this picture, Stephanie Faris is a gorgeous glamour girl who just happens to be a well known published children's author. But what you may NOT know is that she writes in magazines, AND blogs passionately about cool stuff that will have you thinking, or laughing out loud like crazy. This fascinating woman has a brain and isn't afraid to use it. Even better - she gets me! I don't know what in the world her beauty secrets are, but we're gonna find out ...one day. (lol) But today, we're sipping some lemonade, eating scrumptious cake and just chatting for a while.
Stephanie Faris
SF: I always know when I click over to read Ro’s blog, I’m going to have a fun experience. I’ll see yummy food and fun stories about her life. On top of that, she always posts a relatable news item or story. So writing a guest post for her blog is challenging, since I know her readers are used to major entertainment when we click over here!
One of the best things about writing girly books for children is that they love the same things I do. I don’t know if that makes me an overgrown child or it speaks to some universal truth about girly-girls-turned women. All I know is that some my favorite indulgences (listed below) are huge in children’s books. Hopefully I’ll be able to work each of them into a book someday!
RO: Uh oh...I have to admit I was that tomboy who climbed fences, played sports and was generally banged up with broken bones and bruises most of my childhood. However, once I turned 16, I embraced my girliness and loved it!
Las Vegas |
Louisiana |
SF: Okay, I’ll be honest. This indulgence can come in many forms. Cake, cookies, ice cream…you name it. But there’s something about little cupcakes covered a pound of icing that wins me over every time. Icing is my favorite part. Lately, though, I’ve discovered these miniature bundt cakes sold all around the area where I live. They’re amazing.
RO: Wow! I visited this site, and found out that this place is so well known for their cakes, that they are literally all over the country, not just Nashville. There's even one about 30 minutes away from me, here in NC! Thanks Stephanie for the extra goodies AND pounds! (lol)
Nail Art
SF: One of my favorite chapter book series, Sparkle Spa, is about girls who open a mini nail salon where they do mani-pedis for kids. I love that concept…and hate that I wasn’t the one who came up with it first! Nail art is one of my favorite things, but who has time to spend hours at the salon? Instead I buy these nail polish stick-ons and do my own.
RO: I thought that was a really good concept too, Steph. I've painted my nails on occasion, but I can't say this is something that excites me these days, despite having a million bottles of nail colors. By the way, don't ever try to paint my toe nails. I giggle so much that someone usually ends up being kicked like a donkey. (lol)
SF: I tend to be a homebody and have to make myself travel. I miss my dog too much when I’m away. But when I do hit the road, I always realize how fun traveling is. I’ve been to Paris, London, Los Angeles, San Diego, New York, Washington DC, and a large number of other places. There’s so much of the U.S. I still want to see, I doubt I’ll do many overseas trips in my lifetime.
RO: Totally get it. I used to love to travel, and have done it for several years, but now, I'm content to stay close to home too. I'll bet you have some great stories to tell about Paris and London, huh?
Yummy Food
Nothing makes me happier than a good meal at my favorite Mexican restaurant. If it weren’t for my extreme love of food, I’d probably be a size two thanks to my other indulgence, walking. As it is, I have to walk five miles a day around a track just to be able to enjoy an occasional bean burrito with cheese sauce.
RO: As you know, I love trying good cheeseburgers, so when I can find unique recipes, that is totally fun and exciting! Amen to walking, which is what I'm supposed to be doing these days. *heh*. Girl, that's a lot of going around the track!
We're done eating and talking for the moment, but if you want to check out Stephanie's blog, or find out more about her books, take a peek below. Thanks Steph and BIG Hugs.... *Waving Bye*