There are 5 really good reasons that I watch these movies faithfully.
1) Aurora's nickname is none other than RO (lol), and she's played by the fabulous Candace Cameron Bure of Full House from back in the day.
2) Aurora has the best job of working in a library.
3) Aurora is in charge of the Real Murder Club, and they somehow manage to get involved in all the murder cases in their community.
4) There's a touch of romance
5) The person you think committed the murder definitely didn't do it(lol)
Way back in the day while I was a kid in the USAF, I had a close buddy who used to borrow my romance novels to use for pick up lines, and I was cool with that. But it was sure funny to see him actually use lines from books from Kathleen Woodiwiss, Julie Garwood, Judith McNaught, Danielle Steele and Virginia Henley. There were times that I couldn't even contain my giggling because it just seemed so outrageous, but sometimes those lines really worked on lots of girls!
He was also a great artist, and we used to love to see him draw scenery or people because they looked so realistic. But one day I visited his dorm room, and you can probably imagine my shock when I saw all these charcoal drawings of ...gulp - vajayjays hanging on his wall. He started laughing when he saw the look on my face, and told me that he just liked drawing them because they seemed interesting. I asked if he was taking pictures then drawing them, or if was using his imagination or something like that? Nope, he was drawing them just because.
I thought what he was doing was pretty strange back then, but apparently, lots of people are doing it these days. If you don't believe me, check out Etsy.(lol)
The Kansas City Library recently forgave late fees totalling $250,000, and effective July 1, all the people who lost their access were welcome back with no questions asked.
By the way, Emily Canellos-Simms of Illinois holds the Guinness World Record for the heftiest library fine of $345.14 because she didn't return her book to the Kewanee Public Library in April 1955. She actually found Days and Deeds 47 years later, and paid the fine too.
Are you ready to switch your phone, Internet or Cable service, and everything seems confusing? Save lots of time and money by visiting They provide all the tools to help you choose the right plan for personal or business use, along with honest reviews. You'll love this site!
YIKES, this is horrible! Did you know thieves are looking for certain kinds of cars making some more likely to be stolen? According to a recent survey from the Highway Loss Data Institute, these new cars (Models 2016-2018) have the highest theft rate.
- Dodge Charger Hemi
- Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat
- Infiniti Q50
- Infiniti QX80
- GMC Sierra 1500
- Dodge Challenger
- Nissan Maxima
- Chevrolet Silverado 1500
- Chrysler 300
- Mercedes-Benz S-Class
Every spider I've ever seen looks pretty scary, but did you know that of the 40,000 species of spiders, there are only 12 that are dangerous to humans?
Here's a tricky word for you - triskaidekaphobia, which means the actual fear of the number 13. You may have noticed in your travels that when you got on the elevator of a really tall building, there was no 13th floor. Surprisingly 80% of these establishments that have been built made sure the 13th floor was missing.

According to a recent survey of 1000 people willing to tell the truth by the underwear company Tommy John, about 45% of the respondents say they wear the same pair of underwear for 2 days or more, and 13% didn't mind admitting that they had worn the same pair for a week or more.
Also, no shade, but statistically men are 2.5% more likely than women to wear their underwear for more than a week. By the way, even squeaky clean underwear has over 10,000 living bacteria, so purchasing new underwear every 6 months to a year can minimize things like yeast, urinary tract or other bacterial infections that can make you sick.
According to the Journal of Social Psychology, those who performed random acts of kindness for 7 days increased their overall well being and feelings of happiness. Make a friend or family member's day with a smiley face emoji, then keep it going with other kind acts with strangers throughout the day.
Most people assume that AARP and all those cool discounts are just for people who are 50+ years old, but you can actually get them at any age as long as you're willing to pay the $16 annual fee. While most of the information listed on their website is geared towards older people, anyone can get access to deals on hotels, restaurants, car rentals and lots more.
Yay to Alisha S. who won the $10 gift card from Amazon during our giveaway last month, and thanks to Lauren of for sponsoring it during her 12 year Blogiversary celebration. Wow! Can you believe it's September already?
Are you a foodie who's also into art? Take a quick and exciting road trip to Bluffton SC on October 19 and 20th for lots of lowcountry goodies and an amazing art show featuring over 100 artists from 10 states, and their work. Enjoy fireworks, games, tournaments, boat tours and lots more! For more info, visit
1 1/2 Cups (263 g) SemiSweet Chocolate Chips
1 Cup (120 ml) Creamy Peanut Butter
1 Cup (120 ml) Honey
1/4 Cup (53 g) Unsalted Butter
3 Cups (120 g) Regular or Frosted Flakes or any crunchy cereal you enjoy
Place the chocolate Chips, peanut butter, honey and butter in a large glass mixing bowl, then microwave for 2 minutes on full power. Remove from the microwave and stir until the chocolate is completely melted and it's all well combined.
Add in the cornflakes or cereal, then pour the entire mixture to an 8 inch (20 cm) square pan. Smooth it all across the pan, then refrigerate until firm - about 2 to 4 hours. Slice with a sharp knife, store in an airtight container and refrigerate for up to 2 weeks. Yummy!

Planner 2 - Very Cool Birthday Gift from Elizabeth - Yay! |
Planner 3 -Very Cool Birthday gift from G. - Yay! |
Planner 1 - yes, I'm hooked on Planners!(lol) |
1)It is illegal to lie down on the sidewalk.
2)Sex Toys are outlawed
3)You may not place a bench in the middle of any street.
An underwear story:
ReplyDeleteBack when I was in Jr High, we lived in a small subdivision in Columbus, OH. At one neighborhood gathering, a couple of our neighbor ladies were gently teasing a third neighbor lady about her husband, who was known to be kind of fussy. They conjectured that he has his underwear labeled, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, etc.
My dad spoke up and said, "I think that's a great idea. In fact, I have my underwear labeled too... January, February, March..."
The neighbor ladies didn't talk much to us after that.
OMG - I'm laughing out loud at this one, and it's making my day. Just a reminder of how very cool your dad is, and how I need to hang out with him(lol) Hugs and Happy Friyay! RO
Deletehow i got my Ex lover back after a divorced by the help of DR NCUBE a marriage/relationship specialist. contact him if you need help WHATSAPP DR NCUBE ON +2348155227532
Deletehis email is.....
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how i got my Ex lover back after a divorced by the help of DR NCUBE a marriage/relationship specialist. contact him if you need help WHATSAPP DR NCUBE ON +2348155227532
his email is.....
he also have #herbs for
ReplyDeleteI was a avid tv and movie watcher for year and read often however as i grow older i have found a great shift. Now i read more and watch tv/movies a lot less. For the first 4 months of the year i did not turn on my television nor did i watch a movie though i read daily. I rarely watch tv in the summer as its just plain sucks and look forward to fall when the season begins and brings with it some of the more interesting shows. As for reading, well am currenty reading my 64th book for the year.
have a great day.
stay blessed.
It's always interesting to see the changes we make while growing older. Pretty fascinating that you watched no tv for 4 months and you focused only on books! I bet you read some really great titles. True, it seems that during the summer months, there are lots more repeats, and like you I look forward to the new season. Yay to you for reading 64 books and the year isn't even over yet! Love that! Hugs, RO
DeleteLOL. Your friend sounds like a hoot. We can hang. :) I've never heard of Charlaine Harris' murder mystery series. I only know her from her True Blood (Southern Vampire) series. That's interesting. Kinda like a modern day Agatha Christie.
ReplyDeleteOne thing I can say is that I've been blessed to meet lots of interesting people, and I've laughed a lot, but they may be saying the same things about me Joyous Joy.(lol) Rick was quite a character, and there was never a dull moment for sure. Charlaine Harris is a talented author and loved by man. Hope you get the chance to read some of her older books. Hope you're having a great weekend! Hugs, RO
DeleteThe Murder Club sounds pretty interesting. Sad to say but nobody here has been to the library for a few years, but we do have one really close!
ReplyDeleteI love having the library literally 3 minutes away from me, but they're growing and plan to move a little further away from me on September 22. So now it will be a 7 minute drive.(lol) I'll still be there though. Hope you all are having a fantastic weekend! Hugs, RO
DeleteSounds like Nevada has some strange laws. Lol.. 40,000 types of spiders sounds like 40,000 to many. Don't like spiders at all!
ReplyDeleteLOL! I thought so too Jenea. I agree, I can't do the spider thing either, but I have a friend who lives in Ohio who has a true phobia of them. Even plastic ones will cause her to become hysterical and very frightened. She's been afraid of them for at least the last 30 years or so. Sure hope you're doing well and safe in Florida! Hugs, RO
DeleteI'm sure I'm addicted to television, movies and books but they do make my day better.
ReplyDeleteI've not read the Aurora books either but I also like the many movies, though I really didn't care much for the romance, I watch for the mysteries and the comedies. And Ro is a great name. I certainly enjoy them. I still remember watching Candace Cameron on Full House as DJ, she's great.
Have a lovely day.
I think I'm hooked because I love pop culture so much, and it feeds my need for trivia, but I'm not sure(lol) The movies on there are pretty good, but I still say the best crime solver of all time was Columbo. I enjoy Candace too, even on Christmas movies. Hope your weekend is fantastic, and thank you once again for everything! You are the best! RO
DeleteLove Aurora Mysteries! And Chronicle, Crossword, Haily Dean, and.... But not all of them...
ReplyDeleteLOVE that MAYHEM guy, in those car insurance adds!!! Just love him!!! And so great, that the actor, has a long running gig!
Think maybe I've seen that Infidel blog! ,-))))) Will go look.
I really enjoy the Crossword ones too, and it's so cleverly done. The Mayhem Guy is entertaining, and a great reminder to keep cars taken care of. I remember when he had a recurring role on Law and Order too. Hope you're feeling much better, and may your weekend be wonderful! Hugs, RO
DeleteThanks for the link and the kind words! I appreciate it. I suppose I do rant a bit sometimes, but hey, the internet is the only venue where I can do that (without it being inappropriate, anyway). I do also post a lot of non-political stuff which I hope people will find interesting. I'd really rather write more about science, but that takes a lot more brain energy than the other stuff.
ReplyDeleteBecause of him, I met someone who wants to donate specifically to homeless female veterans
Very glad to hear it! (If you know anyone who wants to donate to unemployed cantankerous atheist bloggers with a Greco-Roman fixation, feel free to put them in touch.....)
Getting one's "pickup lines" from books written by women does at least show insight. It is interesting that it worked, though. My impression is that the male protagonists in romance novels are usually titled aristocrats or dashing brigands or vampires or something equally alluring, and that the same lines would probably be substantially less effective coming from men of more ordinary station. Unless of course your close buddy actually was a dashing aristocratic vampire.
My own make of car is not on your list, but I've read that it's popular with thieves. I don't mind the fact that it's rather scruffy-looking on the outside, which hopefully will put them off. It's well-taken-care-of mechanically, which is what counts.
I'm not surprised that there are 40,000 species of spiders. There are only four thousand species of mammals (and almost half of those are rodents), but six hundred thousand species of beetles. Looking at life on Earth, it's mostly creepy-crawlies when you get down to it. Just be glad they aren't any bigger than they are.
Looking at that seafood festival sign, it always surprises me that some people are disgusted with spiders but would happily eat crabs. I mean, it's basically the same thing anatomically.
If there are people in Reno who use ducks as sex toys, I suppose I can sort of see why other people have taken exception to it. I wouldn't want to be the cop who has to tell that bear he's lying down in the wrong place, though.
You're quite welcome, and deserve a shout out. It's your blog so I say rant or discuss, or talk all you want.(lol) ll keep my eye out for donations to your blog too.(lol) I was as shocked as you are that it worked when I saw it happen for the first time. I mean he tried this at fast food restaurants, clubs, the commissary, and just about everywhere we went, and I was always entertained. back then I was reading a lot of historical romances, but there were plenty of contemporary Harlequin Romance millionaires too.(lol) My car is definitely not on the list either, and I'm cool with that too. OMG - 600,000 species of beetles sounds downright creepy, and I totally agree that I'm glad they're not bigger than us humans!!!!! LOL to the crab thoughts. I'm not a fan either. OMG - you are so funny! I wouldn't want to be that cop either, and I'm picturing that in my head. The duck correlation is just making me giggle like a kid. Hope your weekend is fantastic, and sending some hugs across the miles. RO
DeleteActually I realize that bear isn't on a sidewalk, so I guess he's OK. Looks like he might be blocking a railway track, though.
DeleteIt's a bug planet. Thank goodness for Raid.
I totally agree that I'm glad they're not bigger than us humans!!!!!
They used to be.....
LOL! You may be right about the bear for sure. I agree, there are way too many bugs around, particularly when I'm fishing with my pink fishing pole. OMG!!!!! Those bugs are something from one very long horror movie!!!!! Happy Monday and Hugs, RO
DeleteI agree, there are way too many bugs around, particularly when I'm fishing with my pink fishing pole.
DeleteAlways remember, humans must be ruthless with bugs. There is eternal war between humanity and buggery.
You've just reminded me that I need to be hiding from mosquitoes too. They seem to get larger and larger every year!(lol)
DeleteYes, I know the INFIDEL.
ReplyDeleteEven tried to have a quiet discussion, off blog, with him. Concerning how... He labels people and things. And to me, this negates, people taking many of his views, seriously.
If you can not "talk", with out nasty labels, why should I listen to you?
I find this happens, on both sides of the political debate, and it sickens me.
Why can't people, have quiet discussions, without the easy-out of nasty labels????? Myself, I am sick of it. And made sad, by the impossibility, of having a quiet political discussion, with anybody...
Sorry things didn't work out with Infidel, Wisp of Words. The political thing can sometimes turn into a hot button for sure. Sure hope you're continuing to heal and feel better and sending lots of hugs your way! RO
DeleteHi RO :) I love twist endings in books and movies! Gives me a chill :) I guess the cliché "It's always the one you least suspect" works really well in fiction! :) The last time I looked at car theft stats it was the Honda Civic that was #1!
ReplyDeleteOkay...I'm kind of grossed out about the people wearing their undies for a week joke, I change mine twice a day! I guess it's because I work out in the morning, then shower and change. Makes for a lot of laundry though, maybe I'm obsessive lol!
I agree, those twisty ending in books and movies make things quite interesting for sure Rain. I hate that any type of car makes these lists, and it's very sad. The underwear info was quite something wasn't it?(lol) Sure hope your day is as amazing as you are! Hugs, RO
DeleteOh RO, what a fun, fun post. I'm a BIG Aurora fan, too. I just wish she could find a steady boyfriend who lasts more than four movies! Let's hope Nick is the guy. Believe it or not, I've guessed FOUR of the murderers correctly within the first hour of the show.
ReplyDeleteYay for KC forgiving the fines. I wish that was the case for all libraries. It would help people come back once they realized they didn't have to worry about their fines.
I have a Friday the 13th post that mentions these people who fear it. It's a weird, yet viable situation. Be sure to watch my blog that day, please.
This may be TMI, but I don't wear underwear. I need to feel free. I also know you need to wash your pants, jeans, etc. after you take them off. I never wear clothes a second day as a result. But I just can't stand the way undies bind to your body.
It used to be that Hondas were the number one car on the list people were wanting to steal. Amazing how times have changed. Dean Winter does a good job of playing that thief and other mayhem he creates for that insurance company.
So glad you like your planner. How many planners does one person need? Apparently a LOT if your name is RO! And I promise to NOT mention the sex toys or vaginas (grin).
Thanks so much for the kudos, Elizabeth. You are always such a good friend to me. I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed the boyfriend issue either(lol) Just when I got used to someone, he was gone, and I had to start all over again. Yay to you for figuring out 4 of the mysteries. That's pretty impressive! I think more and more libraries are leaning that way, mostly for the same reason you mention. More people will use the free resources available. Mine is going that route sometime in January. Can't wait to see that post on the 13th! OMG Elizabeth, that's too funny! I have one other friend who decided to go underwearless, and she used to joke about it quite a bit. Good for you for not being afraid to feel free. That's a fun piece of trivia for me too!(lol) If I wear a dress and take it off, it immediately goes into the dirty clothes for washing, so I'm probably doing laundry way too often.(lol) I hate that they even have lists like these for the theft of cars, and it's quite sad, but good for Dean Winter to remind us that there are people out there waiting to steal our things and to be vigilant. I can't explain it but Planners are not only fun, but they relax me so much, so I just can't get enough of them. Looking forward to decorating all of them for Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas!!!!! The joy of my life is having so many fun, quirky and unusual friends, so bring on the vagina pics and underwearless news all day! (lol) Happy, happy Monday to you and lots of hugs too! RO
DeleteI read the Aurora series a loooong time ago but really enjoyed it. I've seen a few episodes of the show.
ReplyDeleteI'm planning on doing a few random acts this winter when it's cold rainy in the PNW. It will be my first cold winter in a few decades so I think it will help me get through it as well/
Karen @ For What It's Worth
I plan to read the books one day, but I really, really love the tv movies. Yay to the random upcoming acts. I'm sure they'll be much appreciated. Please send some of that cold weather here(lol) Hugs and Happy Monday! RO
DeleteWhaaat? So even when I wash my underwear they are dirty? Ewwww
ReplyDeleteThat's a fun tidbit, huh?(lol) Sending some hugs your way! RO
DeleteWow! A world of factoids today!
ReplyDeleteHow's your weather holding? You're always welcome here if it gets bad.
Now that's the kindest offer, Super Sandra, and very much appreciated! It's good to know I have a friend willing to help out. We lost power here for just 40 minutes, but not much more than that thank goodness. You know I love my trivia too.(lol) You are just the best, and hope your weekend was relaxing. Hugs, RO
DeleteI do like your random snippets. I am a reader rather than a watcher, but thoroughly enjoy Charlaine Harris. You might also like her Lily Bard and Grave Sight series.
ReplyDeleteI am an every day underwear kind of gal. Underpants anyway. Bras sometimes last a little longer.
I love my trivia, and just glad that you guys don't mind reading them(lol) Charlaine Harris is truly a great writer for sure. I'll have to check out those other series too. I'm with you on the underwear thing(lol) Hugs, RO
DeleteI didn't know that about spiders. I think we have at least three of the twelve in Australia. When I stopped working I went to changing socks and underwear every second day but a week!!! No, no.
ReplyDeleteThat's too many dang spiders Andrew!(lol) A week is quite a while, right?(lol) Thanks so much for stopping by and sending some hugs your way! RO
DeleteI enjoy Mystery tv series, love reading books and visiting libraries. Wow, that was a lot of fines the library forgave!
ReplyDeleteAlways enjoy your fact snippets RO. Have a lovely weekend.
Yay! It's cool that you enjoy some of the things I do Sami, and I'm surprised they took her check.(lol) After all those years it seems they would have forgotten all about it. Hugs and Happy Weekend! RO
DeleteYou always manage to leave me with food for thought and a smile on my face when I read through your tidbits. I'm a Ro Teagarden fan, too (but I did start with the books, LOL) and your Air Force buddy getting his pick up lines from romance novels sounds like a hoot. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the kudos, and I'm glad you don't mind my need to share useless trivia.(lol) I plan to grab those books and see how close they are to the movies one. My friend used to do lots of funny stuff, but I have quite a few friends who have kept me entertained over the years.(lol) Happy weekend to you! RO
DeleteI love the fear about the number 13!! I had to sound it out, it was funny!
ReplyDeleteMy 14 yo is loving the kitchen baking at the moment, so I will getting her onto your Crunchy no bake bars!
That's a really strange word Naomi, and perfect for today.(lol) Yay to your young chef! Perhaps we'll see her on the Food Network one day soon. Always love to hear about young people cooking. Happy Weekend! Hugs, RO
DeleteSo RO is the nickname for Aurora? That's nice. Both names are lovely!
ReplyDeleteOne should definitely change one's underwear daily if one wants to prevent urine track infections which are no light matter at any age.
I must admit I've rather lost interest both in movies and in books. Life is so much more interesting and captivating!
I was surprised to see that too, Duta, but think it's very cool. I agree, urinary tract infections are no fun! I love my movies and can't imagine whte world without books, but life has many things to offer, and great people to meet too! Hugs, RO
DeleteIcan't believe that there's a market for vagina drawings. LoL But then again, there seems to be a market for everything nowadays.
ReplyDeleteLOL! This guy was a hoot, but I agree, seems strange that there's actually a market for these drawings. You just never know what people end up collecting these days for sure, Kristin.(lol) Hugs, and Happy Friyay! RO
DeleteWell, I have certainly learnt a lot of new things today, and I might be better off with not knowing about them! Love the peanut crunchies recipe, but I think I would add sea salt as I love sweet and salty together. And horrible thought of wearing underwear for so long! I know that people didn't have washing machines back in the old days and it might have been more difficult then, but there's no excuse today! Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie
ReplyDeleteLOL! TMI for sure, huh, Valerie? Great idea about the sea salt, which works great in lots of recipes. I hear you on the underwear thing. Hope you hae an amazing day! RO
DeleteThe books sound great...the spiders not so much. They scare me no matter what size or color they are :)
ReplyDeleteYou are so remarkable about the information you share. Thank you RO!!!
Hugs ❤❤❤
I agree, and am not a fan of even one type of spider, Jan(lol). Thanks so much fo the kind words, and hope you are doing well. Hugs, RO
DeleteThanks for all the Random stuff, which was very interesting to read.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy the up-coming weekend. We have it a little cooler here in the UK, a definite Autumnal feel to the weather, and I always enjoy this season.
All the best Jan
Thanks for the kind words Jan, and hope all is well with you. Please send some of that cool air this way when you can.(lol) Hugs, RO
DeleteSex toys are illegal in Reno? LOL Here in Vegas we have 'toy shops' all over the place.
ReplyDeleteI like spiders but if I see a black widow I tend to steer clear of those. I've never been bitten by a spider when I've picked it up and taken it outside.
That's surprising to me too, lol! I'm no fan of even half of a spider, Marvelous Mary!(lol) Good for you for all that courage with taking them outside. Hugs, RO
DeleteI liked Candace Cameron Bure in the full house revival, but I'm not a big fan of her personal views. Though she's more low-key on her hate, than her brother.
ReplyDeleteI saw the revival on Netflix, but it didn't make it to my list. I'm hooked on her mystery movies, and the Christmas movies too. I remember she really got hammered when she talked about being submissive to her husband a few years ago. Happy Friyay! RO
DeleteOkay the fact that those romance novel lines worked at least some of the time kills me! Haha! And I remember the name Kathleen Woodiwiss- we had some of her novels around the house and I always remembered the titles! The Flame and the Flower lol. However the pictures... um, wow is all I'll say about that! Yikes.
ReplyDeleteThose, um, undergarments statistics are a little scary!
You always find such interesting stuff. :) Have a great weekend ravishing Ro!!!!
When he asked me, I really shook my head and started passing on the books, then when we hung out and I saw that those lines were working I was truly amazed!(lol) Those titles did stick out didn't they, and yes, I still have my copies too(lol) I finally got used to the pics because it was just part of his personality, which I loved, and I was doing the happy dance that he wasn't a serial killer or anything(lol) Yep, I thought the underwear thing was something else too, Gorgeous Greg!!! Finding stats like those are how I entertain myself(lol) Sure hope your Saturday is as special as you are! Hugs, RO
DeleteI just got my AARP card. I wasn't going to but meh, why not? Discount is a discount is a discount.
ReplyDeleteYou're prior USAF? I had no idea. Thank you for your service! My whole family is too. Active and retired.
You have my interest piqued on the blog you mentioned. I'm heading over there now. :)
I never really noticed them when I was younger, but then they actively started to market to me, so I went ahead and grabbed it, and have loved all those deals. I'm with you, nothing is wrong with a bargain Elsie! Very cool about your fam, and I bet you have some cool stories to tell. We have to swap stories one day. Every once in awhile, a scenario from when I was in the Air Force pops up in a post or two, also. I hope you had a chance to check out Infidel. Hope you're having a fabulous Saturday! Hugs, RO
DeleteI love the Aurora Teagarden Mystery Series on the Hallmark Movies and Mysteries Channel too. I'm a mystery fanatic, just devour them every chance I get. Sometimes I watch re-runs, just because they're that good.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this thought provoking list of Random Stuff. I love it!
Wishing you all the best!
I hate that the movies don't come out more often, because like you, I really enjoy the shows. I enjoy mysteries on Hallmark and Netflix. I watch repeats of Columbo all the time.(lol) I appreciate your kind words and hope your day is fantastic! Hugs, RO
DeleteWow, pick up lines from Romance books! Sounds so crazy! and brave at the same time. I could see that as a Youtube clip. Hope you're still in touch with that individual.
ReplyDeleteHe was such a fun guy, and you're right he was super courageous and diligent.(lol) What a great idea about the Youtube clip because just about everything else is on there, right?(lol) He now owns a construction company and is married with 2 grown kids now. No more romance novels for him.(lol) Hugs, RO
DeleteThis is such a fun post! Anf i need to see those Aurora Teagarden movies — weirdly i love those works of Harris that aren’t Sookir- related.
ReplyDeleteIronically, the other books by Harris I'm not a fan of, which is so strange to me, but she's definitely an amazing author. I think you'd enjoy the interaction of the characters from the tv shows. Hope your weekend is amazing Verushka, and always love when you stop by. Hugs, RO
DeleteThe Aurora Teagarden series sounds right up my alley.
ReplyDeleteGlad you are well and Dorian is in the rearview mirror.
They're really good shows. I just wish they had a lot more to give me a reason to sit on the couch, Super Sandra.(lol) I'm glad Dorian is behind us too! Happy Saturday to you! RO
DeleteI love the Hallmark mystery channel!
ReplyDeleteI've found quite a few good movies there, but my all time favorite detective is still Columbo. Hope your day is fabulous and thanks for stopping by. Hugs, RO
DeleteThose chocolate peanut butter bars look so good. Too bad my doc has me on a low carb diet, lol.
ReplyDeleteAnything chocolate works well for me Suzanne.(lol) Like you, I'm really not supposed to be eating a whole lot of it, but I sneak in a few bites now and then(lol) Hope your Saturday is going well! Hugs, RO
DeleteThanks for the heads up on whistleout. I'm going to have to check that out.
ReplyDeleteYOU have a great one.
Hope it comes in handy one day soon, Super Sandra! Hugs, RO
DeleteRO--- The name of the catalogue, from which I got the comfy dresses, is Woman Within. (
ReplyDeleteBut it does cater to larger size women, so it might not be for you.
Thanks so very much for the heads up. I'm definitely going to check that one out. Hugs, RO
DeleteI found some good deals online, and also ordered the free catalog to be mailed to me. Thanks again!
DeleteHad to come and comment. Yes, Infidel is fantastic, Charlene got me with the Dead as...Sookie novels. And I’m like you, watching too many programs and trying to read too many books!
P.S. thanks for stopping by!
I really like Infidel a lot. Always has something interesting to talk about. Yep, too much tv and books make life fun, right?(lol) So glad you were able to stop by to say hello! Hope your day is fantastic! Hugs, RO
DeleteI've seen some of the Aurora Teegarden movies and they are really fun! I love that there are so many National days surrounding books. :)
I sure wish they had more of the, but I'll keep waiting for the next release. I agree, very cool that there are lots of days dedicated to our love of reading. Sure hope you're having the best weekend ever Lauren! Hugs, RO
Delete12 out of 40,000 species of spiders dangerous? Pretty good odds:)
ReplyDeleteLOL! That's still too many to me Super Sandra. Happy weekend! RO
DeleteI like the Aurora Teagarden Mystery Series and think Candace Cameron Bure is a great fit for the role. Fun post RO, always a good read. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI agree, Bure is definitely believable and fun in the role for sure. Also really like her in the Christmas movies too. Thanks a bunch and hope your weekend is filled with lots of fun, Denise! Hugs, RO
DeleteHey RO, it’s me again. I’m back just saying hi, stopping in to show my face. Checking to see what you’re up to. I hope you had a great week.
ReplyDeleteWishing you a wonderful weekend!!
Always so happy when you stop by and appreciate your positive vibes! Hugs, RO
DeleteWhew. Glad our vehicle isn't on that list.
ReplyDeleteYOU have a grand day.
Me too. No one is definitely trying to run off with my monstrosity.(lol) Happy Saturday! RO
DeleteOh you need to read the series (and I need to watch the shows lol). I loved the books. I read them pre-blog and still favorites :) Hope you're doing well, Ro!
ReplyDeleteThat's definitely on my list to find all the books which I've heard are really well done. The covers look so fun too. Have on my roller skates and doing well. So thrilled that you stopped by to say hello, and hope all is well with you as well! Happy Saturyay! RO
DeleteThose peanut butter bars looks AMAZING! I need to read all of Charlene Harris's books. I've only read one trilogy but I loved it. My Mom was born on the 13th of October.. freaky right..LOL
ReplyDeleteFun post as always my friend!
Wow! Very cool about your mom being born on the 13th! I'll bet life was super fun for her as a kid, and she's got some great stories to share! Happy Friyay and Hugs, RO
ReplyDeletemy vise is reading so much so that if i go 2 days without reading i go through withdrawals.
I totally get it, and feel those same withdrawal pangs if I'm not reading something. Books definitely make the world go round! Hugs, RO
DeleteGood grief. I wonder if anyone replaces their underwear every six months. I knew you should replace lipstick because of bacteria, but I hadn't heard of underwear. You'd think the detergent and the heat in the dryer would kill the bacteria wouldn't you?
ReplyDeleteLearn something new everyday at Ro's;)
As expensive as underwear is these days, I'm iffy about that 6 month deal Super Sandra!(lol) Happy Friyay! RO
DeleteI love Random Acts of Kindness. I need to punch mine up.
ReplyDeleteYOU have a great weekend.
Kind acts definitely make a difference for sure! I can always do better too. Happy Day! RO
DeleteWow--what a montage of information. Thanks for a fun 30 minutes!
ReplyDeletePop Culture and useless trivia is how I entertain myself Jacqui.(lol) Thanks a bunch for stopping by to visit, and congrats on your new release! Happy Saturday and hugs! RO
DeleteKudos to you for typing out that phobia. I'd forget the next letter halfway through. Heh.
ReplyDeleteAre you getting any rain? We are dry as a bone.
Enjoy your day.
It is super dry and dang hot, Super Sandra! I'm ready for my 15 minutes, please!(lol) Hugs, RO
DeleteHey Ro! Thank you for your posts! You always put so much into them! I love your planners! Thanks for the yummy recipe! The underwear "thing" is yucky! LOL! I laughed about the "vagina" drawing! LOL! Good for that person, paying her over due library book! Big Hugs!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for your kind words, and I absolutely adore all of my planners for sure. My friend kept me laughing all the time when we hung out.(lol) Sure hope you're doing well, and sending some hugs your way! RO
DeleteOh gosh, I am sure glad to have you back blogging again. I'm busy blogging, DIY'ing, and monster-wrangling ;-) you must try to make its video in my opinion, i can make it freely with high quality official site
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ReplyDeleteWhen he asked me, I really shook my head and started passing on the books, then when we hung out and I saw that those lines were working I was truly amazed!(lol) Those titles did stick out didn't they, and yes michaels worksmart
ReplyDeleteI checked out your blog, and I think your style is awesome! It should be seen by more people! That's why I'd like to invite you to watch this Abigale Mandler
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the Random stuff, which was very interesting to read.
ReplyDeleterobyn hilton
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