Here's a perfect reason to visit friends and family in Chicago this September. If you already live there, you've got it made! (waving at Kelly M) Get ready to enjoy the Chicago Gourmet in Millennium Park from September 22 - 24, 2017. Get your foodie love on with famous chefs, special tastings, super seminars and plenty of cold cocktails to whet your whistle. Tickets start at $185.00.
Yes, I'm still on a berry tip to round out June and cool things off. Once again, this is a super simple recipe that works well for breakfast, or even get-togethers. Save time and money by preparing these right at home.
2 Oranges, peeled and sectioned
2 Bananas, peeled and cut into chunks
1 Mango, pitted, peeled and cut into chunks
2 Containers of Raspberries
1 Container of Blueberries

1/2 Cup Plain Greek Yogurt
1 Cup Ice Cubes
Place all ingredients in the blender, in batches if needed, then cover and puree until completely blended and smooth. Pour into decorative glasses for guests, or colorful paper cups for kids, and serve.
What She Ate by Laura Shapiro - takes a peek at food served or eaten by famous women like Eleanor Roosevelt. Sadly, she wasn't popular for her food because it was pretty horrible! (lol) Books like these are so fun because they offer up facts that aren't well known.
No One But You by Brenda Novak is a love story from one of my fave authors about Sadie who ends up taking a job working on a farm with Dawson, recently on trial for murder. Is he guilty? You'll have to read the book to find out.
Something is very, very wrong when we hear a news flash about a 25 year old woman entering into a relationship with an 11 year old kid. Even worse, this woman gave birth in 2014 to a now 3 year old child.
Marissa Mowry was arrested for having sex with a minor from the time he was 11, until the age of 14. She was picked up at her job as a food vendor in Busch Gardens in Tampa Florida this past Tuesday, June 28 on multiple sexual assault charges.
Do you like pancakes that you don't have to prepare on your own? If so, celebrate IHOP's 59th anniversary on July 18 with a short buttermilk stack for $.59 between the hours of 7am and 7pm. No cleanup, and no mess. Just yummy goodness!
Coupon Goodies
This week I managed to snag the following stuff using coupons:
Hefty Ziploc Bags (various sizes) $.32 each
Turkey Hill Haymaker Tea - FREE
Lipton Tea Bags $ .49 each
Silk Razors - FREE
Clairol Hair Dye (various colors)- $ .31 each
Whole Blend Garnier Shampoo (various scents) $ .50 each
Salonpas Pain Patch
Starbucks Tasting Flight - Dark Roast
Starbucks Tasting Flight - Light Roast
Bon Appetit Magazine Subscription
Sundown Naturals B12 Gummy Vitamins - taste just like candy
This product offers the best way to clean AND moisturize, even for sensitive skin. In the supermarket or places like Walmart, it will cost at least $3.00. If you have a Dollar General in your neck of the woods you can get a two bar package for just $1.00, so you can stock up easily. I also think the message they send about women's bodies is pretty cool.