My son, who always prefers to remain nameless should I say something crazy and embarrass him(lol), ended up with Covid-19. He and his family live in another state, but I was able to see exactly what happens when you test positive. For those who don't know, sticking a dang 6 inch long q-tip up your your nose is definitely no fun, and he had some bleeding throughout the day. What about a mouth swab please?! The test came back positive, and before he could hang up the phone with me, the CDC was calling to chat with him and everyone in the house. They're very friendly, and wanted to know who he'd been around and what were his symptoms. Later on they stopped by to drop off a packet to tell them what should be done regarding temperature checks, etc. Meanwhile, his fiance couldn't smell or taste anything, one of the other weird symptoms of the disease. She was okay with it because it didn't affect her appetite one bit.(lol) Anywho, all is now well with everyone, and they've all tested clear.
A few days ago I was the DD (Designated Driver) for a person who received outpatient surgery, and it's a good thing I love to read because you basically have to sit in the waiting room with a mask on and wait for it all to be over, after having your temperature checked. Except for one super not talkative lady, and a HUGE wasp who flew in, the waiting room was pretty much a ghost town. You can no longer visit the recovery room and hang out. The surgeon came out to say that all went well, and oh by the way, "the needle broke off in his shoulder, so it took me some time to find it". They then cheerfully bring the drugged out, grumpy patient outside to your car and put him in before going off to torture the next person.
Are you a hot dog eater? If so, you're one of the 150 million people who gobbled them up on July 4 according to the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council. If that's not surprising enough, between Memorial Day and Labor Day, Americans eat 7 billion hot dogs!(image-Tony Babel)
I don't how he did it, but in 2014 Jan Greeff of Columbus Georgia made it into the Guiness World Book of Records for his 80 hour barbeque. Apparently he didn't mind cooking 1000 hot dogs, 558 burgers, 104 pieces of chicken, 200 pieces of corn and 526 pieces of South African sausages. This guy sure had a lot of energy or was very hungry.
Love Goodly is a not only a cool phrase, but it's also a cruelty-free and non-toxic beauty box that starts at $34.95. You can also purchase individual merchandise.https://www.lovegoodly.com/
Do you like healthy snacks and love trying new things? You'll love https://www.urthbox.com/# which has boxes of full sizes packages that start at $14.99 and go up to $44.99. These boxes do ship to other countries, and there is FREE shipping in the United States.
I don't understand the cruelty of others. Physically attacking a person who refuses to wear a mask is not the right thing to do. Following a person who cut you off on the highway is not going to change what happened. Beating up the person you live with as a means to control or take out your frustration is assault. Making fun of a homeless person who may be asking for money is not funny. All we can do is to try to use every opportunity to show kindness when we can. Our acts can literally save someone's life.
Just want to take a chance to give some shouts out to my family who gave me some great gifts,(planners, tennis shoes, computer bag, stickers, undies, no thongs for me-lol, cash, book, card, oil mister, FREE cheeseburger from Red Robin and a special hello and thanks to Elizabeth from http://alteredbooklover.blogspot.com/ who knows my love of cheeseburgers. I've been hooked on them since I was 11 years old and the momentum hasn't slowed down. The Bob's Burger Book totally rocks!