I still mail cards and letters for birthdays, holidays and 'just because'. Did you know that in 1971 it cost just 8 cents to mail a standard letter? In August 2021, the price will increase from 55 cents to 58 cents.

Hopefully you stay hydrated when it's hot outside, but it's sure a lot more fun to grab a slushy drink to quench your thirst. We may call frozen drinks a Slurpee, but that name is exclusive to 7-Eleven's brand, and they're all the rage when it's a steamy day. But you may be surprised that the Slurpee Capital of the World, and has been for 20+ years, is Winnipeg Canada. Even during -4 degree winter weather, they're in hot demand, and there's even a street called Slurpee Way in downtown Winnipeg to commemorate these frosty frozen treats. Brain freeze anyone?!(lol)
So last week, someone saw a zebra cobra snake hanging out on a porch in a Raleigh neighborhood, who had escaped from 21 year old Christopher Gifford's home, and everyone was definitely in a panic. He was safely caught 2 days later, but the fact that this snake that's native to Africa actually spits venom had everyone on edge. It's legal for venomous snakes to be kept in North Carolina (?), and Chris doesn't mind bragging about his collection via all his social media accounts. (@the_giff) on Tik Tok and facebook.com/christopher.gifford.56? ) Yikes!
By the way, there's about 30 venomous snakes in the world and include the Coral Snake, Tiger Snake, Rattle Snake, Krait Snake and the Taipan Snake.
So if you've been following this blog you may know that my birthday is coming up on August 12, and I've been asking for a ticket to Switzerland so I can scratch this off my massive bucket list. Since I'm turning 60, I'm hoping someone will finally feel sorry for me and send that ticket! (lol) I remember when I was 17 and used to think 30 year old people were so old. (lol) But I can still dance my blogger buds.(lol)
Since the pandemic I've had lots of time to reflect over life, and mad props and thanks to Author Extraordinaire Sandra Cox https://sandracox.blogspot.com/who has been diligently taking the time to check on me since I've been MIA from the blog. You've all been very much missed!
Even though I wasn't blogging, I tried to pop by to visit other blogs when I could, but with so many things going on, some days were rough, but somehow Super Sleuth Sandra seemed to pick up on that.
Also gotta give a HUGE thanks to Sophia from www.delightedreader.com who 'just because' sent me stickers for my planner that really made my day, along with a handwritten card.
If you haven't talked to a friend or family member in awhile, give 'em a call to say hello and make sure all is well. I promise that gesture can make a difference in someone's life.
If you enjoy sitting back with some popcorn, cheeseburger and lemonade and watching something good on television. These are great.
The Wrath of Man - I've seen this 5 times (no joke, and my son thinks I'm obsessed with Jason Statham. Yes I am(lol)
Cruella - Watched this one twice because it was so good.
The Mysterious Benedict Society - a really good series about 4 gifted children who are on a mission to save the world. Fun!
Fatherhood - on Netflix, and a true story about a husband who takes care of his daughter when his wife dies shortly after she was born. Funny, but you'll need some tissues too.
Workin' Moms - Binge on Netflix, because I promise even if you're not a mom you'll laugh out loud during all 5 seasons!
Bridgerton - yes, I'm still talking about this fabulous and innovative program on Netflix that the world is raving about. Romance, witty conversations, humor, mystery, diversity. It's all here, and yes it's been renewed for seasons 2, 3 and 4!
Somebody Feed Phil - You'll love this guy, and can find him on Netflix He travels around the world eating at all these wonderful places, and meets cool people to hang out with while we learn new cultures.
Who knows what Academy Award winning movie from 1939 said this at the very end?
"After all, tomorrow is another day"