Sunday, May 11, 2014


Today is traditionally all about the mothers in our lives.  But if you're a mom, you know that every day really should be about you and the things you do.  Laundry, cooking, homework, speaking with teachers, working to pay bills, carpooling, and supporting your family. You do it all!  It's also about those who are wishing to be a mother, and for those who have acted in the role of mother for those who have needed you.  And for those who have nurtured animals as your family, we also salute you. Some may never understand the importance of loving a dog, or a cat as a valuable addition in the household.

To my son, who has moved on with a family of his own, I thank you for being a man I can truly be proud of.  There were many days I wondered if I got it right, but you've proved that I passed the test with flying colors.

Happy Mothers' Day to all of you for the very many things you do, and continue to do to make the world go round.


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