If you said "How in the heck do I get in this dang bed?", great minds think alike. (lol) There's not a ladder or step stool to be found anywhere, so we just need to dive right in!
President Theodore Roosevelt was the inspiration for the very first teddy bear that was sold in February 1903, and designed by Morris Michtom.
I'm always searching for FREEBIES but they're not just available in the United States. If you live in the UK, here's 2 sites to use to have FREE stuff mailed right to your home.
President Theodore Roosevelt was the inspiration for the very first teddy bear that was sold in February 1903, and designed by Morris Michtom.
I'm always searching for FREEBIES but they're not just available in the United States. If you live in the UK, here's 2 sites to use to have FREE stuff mailed right to your home.
Speaking of FREEBIES, I had the opportunity to check out Monat, which is a Home Spa just for your hair. The package includes a sample of shampoo, conditioner, replenish masque and intensive oil for shine.
You're going to love the subtle scent and the way it moisturizes your hair. The improvement after showering was pretty incredible. If you want to find out more about these amazing products, or ask for FREE samples, be sure to visit India(who is super nice) at
Dolly Parton News

My mom started reading to me at an early age, so picking up a book was second nature to me. To be honest, I probably take going to a library or bookstore for granted. But there are children who don't have access to books around the world, and many are not even taught to read.
Major kudos to the very wonderful and super talented Dolly Parton for making a difference.