Thursday, July 31, 2014
IN THE KNOW WITH RO: DRUNKEN CHERRY-KIRSCH MILKSHAKES: My goodness, this recipe has to be the easiest thing ever to make, and it's super yummy! Make this drink a cool cocktail or dessert fo...

Make this drink a cool cocktail or dessert for friends, and it is very simple.
1 Cup Sweet Cherries that have been pitted
1/2 Cup Milk
1 Teaspoon Pure Vanilla Extract
1 Cup Vanilla Ice Cream
1 to 1/2 oz Kirsch/Rum or Grand Marnier (Your choice)
In a blender, combine the cherries, milk, and vanilla, then pulse until the cherries are coarsely chopped. Add the ice cream and alcohol of your choice, blending until smooth and frothy. Pour into frosted glasses, and serve immediately.
This also works works well for the kiddies without the spirits.
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
IN THE KNOW WITH RO: GET YOUR GROCERIES THE EASY WAY AND SAVE MONEY: You won't believe how easy this is and how much time and money you can save by visiting this site. allows to you to...

! In some cases, if the order goes over $75.00 the site may refund you the charges of shipping via Paypal within 30 days.
Favado is an app that allows you to compile your grocery list based on local sales, and the coupons are generated automatically for you. If you HEART specific items, the app will tell you when then these items are on sale, so you don't have to do any extra work! Yay! E-mail your shopping list to yourself, then print the coupons before you shop.
Thanks to "ALL YOU" for these awesome tips!
A close friend of mine is absolutely beautiful, curvy and intelligent, yet she's been in a verbally abusive relationship with her husband for almost 6 years. He has also been cheating for quite some time. She had a part-time position she loved, not making a lot of money, but it was something she enjoyed. Recently, she lost that job minimizing her income to zilch, got drastically ill, making it difficult to even leave her home to seek another position. During all of this, she tried to rally to cook and clean, but found little support from the man who professed to love her above all others.
In the mail about 2 weeks ago she was shocked to received an eviction notice advising her that she was scheduled to be evicted from a home she had lived in for over 10 years, and after making it to court, found she had 2 weeks to vacate the premises. (The original amount due was miraculously minimized making her simply 1 month and a half late) Ironically, because she had been such a good tenant, she was surprised when her landlord hugged her and apologized for what he was doing. Of course, she understood that no one can live for free, nor did she wish to take advantage of his kindness. She has been without a phone for over a month, so we mostly talk when she can get to a computer.
Last week her cable was disconnected and today her water was cut off.
In a word - wow! I'm still amazed that when we talk, my friend has such a positive outlook and unwavering faith, believing that this is a trial that she will be delivered from so she can provide a testimony to someone else in need.
Though she works hard to hide her feelings, there are snippets of horrific pain, fear and insecurity. What did she do wrong? What could have been differently to make this man love her? The searing hole in her heart threatens to tear her apart and she is lost, wondering what the next step is.
Is this you, are you lost, wondering what the next step is in your life to get YOU back?
Sarah Jakes, T.D. Jakes daughter, quoted an anonymous writer and it made so much sense: "no matter what, once in your life, someone will hurt you. That someone will take all that you are and rip it into pieces, and they won't even watch where the pieces will land. But through the breakdown, you'll learn something about yourself. You'll learn that you are strong and, no matter how hard they try to destroy you, you can conquer anyone." Powerful words that I shared with my friend, praying that she can get through this, hoping she can be unbroken and get back to the woman she is because she deserves so much more from life.
Is this you? Are you lost? The pain may seem unbearable, but you will be found. You will be better, and you can start over again.
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
IN THE KNOW WITH RO: AWARD WINNING AUTHOR - SHIRLEE BUSBEE INTERVIEW: SHIRLEE BUSBEE INTERVIEW July 29, 2014 Shirlee Busbee is an award winning romance author and New York Times bestseller 7 times, w...
July 29, 2014
Shirlee Busbee is an award
winning romance author and New York Times bestseller 7 times, who has been
published since 1977. Many would find it interesting to know that she has an awesome
sense of humor and takes time to connect with her readers. If you haven’t read her work or delved inside
her world of love and romance, sit back with a cold glass of lemonade and read
I actually read your 2nd
novel, Lady Vixen back in 1980 and was immediately hooked on that
book and the rest of your work. When did you know you wanted to be a writer and
how long did it take for Gypsy Lady to be accepted by a publisher?
I can’t give you
an exact date, but I’d toyed with the idea of writing for perhaps a decade or
more before I actually began writing GYPSY LADY. Funny thing – it was Howard (Handsome Hubby)
who put the idea in my head. He was
teasing me one night because my nose was in a book, and said “If we could put
the time you spend reading in writing our fortune would be made.” We both laughed. My friend, Rosemary Rogers, ripped out the
first 200 plus pages of the unfinished manuscript of GYPSY LADY and sent it to
her editor, the great Nancy Coffey. Memory
may play me false, but it was several months after that before I got “the letter.”
What did you do with your first royalty check?
You want me to
go back into the dark ages? We’re
talking maybe, 35 years ago, and I haven’t a clue. Too far back for this ole lady to remember. J
You write historical
novels specifically - how did you make that choice and have you ever wanted to
write contemporary romance?
My mom loved
historical novels and I guess you could say, I grew up reading them. Between that and knowing Rosemary, and
reading her SWEET SAVAGE LOVE, I didn’t really have a choice. Yes, I’ve wanted to write contemporary for
quite some time. Warner Books did
publish two contemporaries of mine, RETURN TO OAK VALLEY and COMING HOME. They were meant to be the start of a series,
but I guess Warner didn’t like them because there were only the two.
Because of so many
historical details, does it take a long time to write one of your books?
It doesn’t take
me as long as it used to, mainly because I’ve been sticking to the Regency Era
and England with which I am familiar. I
always have to double check things, but there’s not the deep research there
once was. I’ve stuck with the Regency
Era because that’s what the publisher wanted.
I enjoy moving around in the various historical eras, exploring
different locations – you can get stale, or at least I can, if you’re stuck in
the same time period and the same place.
When I do strike out for a new era there will be months of research
involved -- as there was when I first started writing. The research was the fun part.
What do family and friends
think about your chosen profession?
Nearly everybody
is very supportive and proud of me.
Howard has always prodded and cheered me on. He even typed up the finished manuscripts of
couple of the early books. Naturally, my
mom, his mom and friends were excited and thrilled. Only my paternal grandmother wasn’t. She thought I wrote ‘polite porn’. But like I told her when I let her read GYPSY
LADY (I didn’t want her to, begged her NOT to read it -- I knew she wouldn’t
like it), “It’s not written for little ole ladies in tennis shoes.”
LOL – that’s too funny! Are
there days that you get up and just don’t feel like writing? How do you get back on track?
Sure. And if anybody tells you that they’re eager
and full of vim, vigor and vitality every day, they’re telling stories. There’s only one thing that works. Turn on the computer and stare at the blank
page until you put something on it. I
don’t care if it’s junk, I don’t care if you rip it out 16 times; there’s got
to be something there for you to correct and build on. Writing is all about applying the seat of the
pants to the seat of the chair – that’s stolen from Hemingway.
Have you ever been
involved with anthologies with other authors, and is there anyone in particular
you’d like to work with?
While I think of
myself in connection with the publishing business as a team player, I don’t
think I’d do well writing with other authors.
Shorter stories seem beyond me, but then again I’ve never tried it, so
who knows? To be blunt it doesn’t
Guess I’ve been
locked in my garret alone for too long J
Other than Rosemary
Rogers, who I adore, who are some of your other heroes?
I assume you’re
talking authors? Love Roberta Gellis. I
am amazed at Nora Roberts’ incredible output.
She hits a homerun every time.
Bertrice Small is wonderful.
Julie Quinn, Tessa Dare & Elizabeth Hoyt bring freshness to the
historical genre. Tami Hoag and Patricia
Briggs are also favorites.
In Rapture Becomes Her,
Emily is a smuggler. Do you know any
smugglers (lol), and if not, how did you come up with such an awesomely written
character? I truly enjoyed the deep love
and emotional connection between Emily and Barnaby, and found myself reading
those portions over and over again. It’s
sometimes difficult to make the reader feel those emotions, but you do it so
well. What’s your secret?
Uh, no I don’t
know any smugglers…but I did a bunch of research on them. Does that count? J
My secret? I suppose it’s that
you write from the heart. While you try
not to impose yourself on your characters, they all end up taking bits of
you. Emily, all my heroines are the
woman I’d liked to be. They’re all smarter, more compassionate and
braver than their creator. Trust me on
Do you make the decisions
about your book covers?
With the Ebooks
I have a great deal of input on the covers, but as for all the others, even
when supposedly I had cover approval in my contract, publishers do what they
want and you live with it. End of story.
You’ve been married for 51
years, which is a fairytale in itself!
How did you and hubby meet and what’s your magic secret for staying
married to your best friend for so long?
LOL. Would you say that
any of your male characters are based on your hubby?
Obviously, some
of Howard’s traits leak through into the male characters, but they’re also mainly
imagination and remember, they’re perfect, a fantasy. Poor Howard, like me, is very human.
What aspect in each of
your books MUST be there?
Oh, this is
If you didn’t live in
California, where else would you go?
We love Northern
CA and if we didn’t live there, I think maybe OR. We’re definitely west coasters.
If I asked your best
friend what type of person you are, what would he or she tell me?
I honestly don’t
know, but I think she’d say loyal, funny, sometimes nuts and always willing to
What were you like as a
kid and what type of books did you read?
I was a Total
Tomboy and a bit of a loner. Nose often
stuck in a book. Loved reading animal
books, Albert Payson Terhune’s Lad, a dog series; Walter Farley, THE BLACK
STALLION etc. and the Thomas C. Hinkle, horse stories, SILVER, BLAZE etc.
What’s one of your
favorite movies of all time?
MILLION with Audrey Hepburn & Peter O’Toole. Also DEAD AGAIN.
What authors are you
reading when you get a spare moment?
John Stanford.
Nora Roberts. Tami Hoag. Jayne Castle and all her other names, Elizabeth
Lowell, J A Jance, Lee Child.
Where do you see Romance
writing in the next 10 years?
I think it’ll
still be strong, but I think that maybe less Regency and books with more
historical detail. Romance is evolving
right now and it’ll continue to do so.
What was ‘hot’ 10 years ago is still popular, but not like it was. Nothing stays the same.
What books do you have
coming up in the next year or so?
At present, I’m
embarrassed to admit that I have nothing original in the works. I do plan on finishing a partial manuscript
of the OAK VALLEY SERIES and I might finish the two books of THE JOSLY FAMILY
SERIES. Then again I might tackle
something different. Maybe something in
the N. Ca. area. Don’t know whether
historical or contemporary. Ask me next
Does it bother you of you
see a less than stellar review and how do you handle it?
Sure it bothers
me, but not much. If it’s fair (no book
is perfect, trust me on this) I usually nod my head and respect the point of
view. Just plain vicious I ignore. It’s only one person’s point of view and
they’re entitled to it, provided,
they’re fair.
When not writing, what do you do in your spare
Big surprise – I
enjoy reading and do a lot of it. I also like to garden. Have big pots all over our deck, some with
flowers (love the Oriental Lilies) some with lettuce, Basil, Parsley etc. We also raise American Shetland Ponies and when
we were having the foals born, just loved that time of year. Even the sleepless night and mare stare and
the 2:00 AM birthings. Nothing like a
wobbly pony foal. Hope someday to be
able to do it again.
Now on the Fun Stuff
- What do most sexy in a man? A sense of humor; able to laugh at himself.
- What food do you have to have to survive? Original Kettle
- What is the best gift you’ve ever received? A garden wagon from my mom.
- What really gets on your nerves enough to be
called a pet peeve? Waiting in line.
- Can you cook? Yes. It’s another thing I enjoy.
- In closing – can you tell your fans something
they’d be surprised to know about you? Surprised? Maybe that I’m just like them. J
What an absolutely fun
interview, and she really is just like you and me! Now now you know a lot more about Shirlee
Busbee and what makes her tick. We’re so
happy to have had the chance to meet this very busy author, and hope you’ll
take a moment to stop by her website at
, or on Facebook.
©Ro –
– July 2014
Monday, July 28, 2014
IN THE KNOW WITH RO: ADDICTED TO COOKING SHOWS: My son thinks I'm a total lunatic because I watch the same things on television over and over again. This compulsive behavior is really...

It's not like I'm a gourmet chef or anything like that. In fact, I'd rather eat a cheeseburger every day if I could get away with it. But I simply can't control my fingers on the remote if one of these programs comes on. Even worse, most of them are taped and saved on the DVR! What in the world is wrong with me?(lol). Can you believe I'm actually watching Top Chef - Las Vegas right this very minute - AGAIN? I think in some way I get the adrenaline rush without actually having to run around in the kitchen like all the chefs do, and WITHOUT all that sweat. I don't know, that theory sounds pretty good, but I can't guarantee if it's really true or not. (lol)
In all honesty, I have learned lots of culinary skills and new recipes which come in handy at parties and family gatherings, making people think I'm this really awesome chef. If they only knew...
Thursday, July 24, 2014
IN THE KNOW WITH RO: WATERMELON & MINT COOLER: I 've been craving watermelon like crazy and this drink is absolutely fantastic and simple to make. INGREDIENTS 12 cups seedless...
- I've been craving watermelon like crazy and this drink is absolutely fantastic and simple to make.
- 12 cups seedless watermelon cubes
- 1/2 cup fresh lime juice
- 1/2 cup lightly packed fresh mint leaves
- 2/3 cup rum or vodka (optional)
- Ice
- In a blender, working in batches, puree the watermelon, lime juice and mint until smooth. Transfer the mixture to 2 large pitchers. Cover and refrigerate until ready to use.
- If you're using spirits, divide the liquor between the pitchers, then top with ice.
- Enjoy this cool and refreshing summer drink!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014
IN THE KNOW WITH RO: "WHAT IF" WEDNESDAY: I wish I could take the credit for this awesome quote, but it comes via Facebook from the awesome folks over at AB's Random Acts of Kin...

It inspired me to wonder, what if each of us actually took a day to practice this and make
a difference in someone's life? Crime would be minimized, more people would smile and help
each other and our children could grow up in a wonderful, safe environment.
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
About 2 years ago I visited a pawn shop with a friend and couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the collection of the entire season of the series and had to have it! This weekend, I got through quite a bit, and admit my favorites are "Fall into Murder" with William Shatner as the TV detective who believes he's a match to outwit the brilliant detective.
My next favorite is A Stitch in Crime" with Leonard Nimoy as the cool surgeon who "almost" gets the jump on the phenomenal Columbo.
Columbo cannot be stumped and it's amazing to watch him catch the culprit EVERY time.
If you'd like to get the entire series or just one of the 7, check out:
It's a great way to spend the afternoon with a friend, or as a date night event with popcorn and a smoothie.
IN THE KNOW WITH RO: "THINK ABOUT IT TUESDAY": Have you ever had one of those days where everyone seems to get on your nerves, or you're simply having a bad day? If this is happen...
Have you ever had one of those days where everyone seems to get on your nerves, or you're simply having a bad day? If this is happening in your world, today is your time to "Think About It" before lashing out in anger or frustration. If someone has bothered you so much that you're ready to send out a hurtful text, an angry e-mail, or a pissed off phone call - STOP - and remember that once you hit the send button, or hang up the phone, the words you say can NEVER be taken back, possibly causing a rift in a relationship that you never intended.
Take just a few moments to calm your nerves and "think about it" first. I bet you'll be glad you did.
Take just a few moments to calm your nerves and "think about it" first. I bet you'll be glad you did.
Thursday, July 17, 2014
IN THE KNOW WITH RO: PINEAPPLE BANANA SLUSH: Super simple to make for the entire family or guests at a party! 1 Tbs Frozen Orange Juice Concentrate 1 Tbs Frozen Lemonade Concentrat...
Super simple to make for the entire family or guests at a party!
1 Tbs Frozen Orange Juice Concentrate
1 Tbs Frozen Lemonade Concentrate
1 Banana
2 Tbs Sugar
1 Cup Pineapple Juice
1 Cup Lemon Lime Soda
1 Cup Ice
Blend in blender until you get the consistency you like, then serve. Yummy!
1 Tbs Frozen Orange Juice Concentrate
1 Tbs Frozen Lemonade Concentrate
1 Banana
2 Tbs Sugar
1 Cup Pineapple Juice
1 Cup Lemon Lime Soda
1 Cup Ice
Blend in blender until you get the consistency you like, then serve. Yummy!
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
IN THE KNOW WITH RO: THE DESTRUCTIVE POWER OF VERBAL ABUSE: Do you remember the phrase when you were a kid, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me"? It sound...
Do you remember the phrase when you were a kid, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me"? It sounded cute back then, but in reality, the tongue is a mighty object, capable of causing words of love or hurt and pain. An abuser uses verbal put downs and insults to degrade someone, so that his faults can be minimized.
The verbal abuser is an expert at degrading you, until your self-esteem is at an all-time low, or you're in a state of constant confusion.
If you are being yelled at, called names, blamed for everything under the sun, cursed at, embarrassed out in public, or your words never seem to matter in a conversation, this is not a normal relationship and is considered domestic violence. When an abuser treats you this way, it's NOT your fault, and is a way to control you.
Talk to someone you trust and get help when it is safe to do so. If you live in NC, contact InterAct 1012 Oberlin Rd, Raleigh, NC 27605, 919 828-7740, or SAFE of Harnett County at 910-893-7233. You may also call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 800-799-7233.
The verbal abuser is an expert at degrading you, until your self-esteem is at an all-time low, or you're in a state of constant confusion.
If you are being yelled at, called names, blamed for everything under the sun, cursed at, embarrassed out in public, or your words never seem to matter in a conversation, this is not a normal relationship and is considered domestic violence. When an abuser treats you this way, it's NOT your fault, and is a way to control you.
Talk to someone you trust and get help when it is safe to do so. If you live in NC, contact InterAct 1012 Oberlin Rd, Raleigh, NC 27605, 919 828-7740, or SAFE of Harnett County at 910-893-7233. You may also call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 800-799-7233.
YOU matter and remember that love should never hurt!
Thursday, July 10, 2014
IN THE KNOW WITH RO: Top Cell Phone APPs to Make Money for your Opinion...
IN THE KNOW WITH RO: Top Cell Phone APPs to Make Money for your Opinion...: Marketing Research is big business, and if you know how, YOU can make cash just by sharing your opinions about products and services right f...
Top Cell Phone APPs to Make Money for your Opinions

If you have an Android or iPhone, try iPoll which pays about $1.00 per survey for just 3 minutes of your time PLUS you get $5.00 just to sign up!
Google Opinion which works on Android phones only, will give you credit to redeem on various Google Apps or music in their Play Store.
IN THE KNOW WITH RO: FREE Coupon for Bathroom Tissue
IN THE KNOW WITH RO: FREE Coupon for Bathroom Tissue: Free White Cloud Toilet Paper - Very Limited Grab this coupon before it's gone and get one Free 4-pack of ...
FREE Coupon for Bathroom Tissue
Free White Cloud Toilet Paper - Very Limited
Grab this coupon before it's gone and get one Free 4-pack of White Cloud Toilet Paper!
Thanks to the folks over at A Freebie Empire, and for those who are coupon shoppers, lots more to choose from. White Cloud is usually found at Wal-Mart.
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
IN THE KNOW WITH RO: PERSIAN STYLE TOMATO-AVOCADO SALAD: I wish I could take the credit for this yummy and super salad, but it comes from Since I've saved you some time a...
I wish I could take the credit for this yummy and super salad, but it comes from Since I've saved you some time and you don't have to actually search for the recipe, you may as well check it out for yourself and enjoy the goodness.
4 Ripe Tomatoes
2 Diced Avocados
3 Tablespoons Chopped Red Onions
6 Sprigs of Cilantro (or if you're like me, just use the stuff in the bottle-lol)
2 Tablespoons Lime Juice
1 Lime that has been sliced into thin rounds
Cayenne Pepper for extra heat and Salt & Pepper to taste
4 Ripe Tomatoes
2 Diced Avocados
3 Tablespoons Chopped Red Onions
6 Sprigs of Cilantro (or if you're like me, just use the stuff in the bottle-lol)
2 Tablespoons Lime Juice
1 Lime that has been sliced into thin rounds
Cayenne Pepper for extra heat and Salt & Pepper to taste
IN THE KNOW WITH RO: HOW SAFE (OR FUN) IS YOUR HOSPITAL???: I've been sick for the past few weeks and had the sudden realization that hospitals are surely the least secure place in the world. I h...

Books and toys have been dropped off in the pediatric ward, balloons have been left in strangers' rooms, and inexpensive gifts have been placed throughout the emergency room. I actually wanted to be anonymous, so it was good that no one noticed me but can you imagine if it was so easy for me to do something like this, how simple would it be for a stalker to simply get into any hospital and just leisurely walk around the halls checking out the patients?
Once I was a patient in a hospital and hid when they wanted to do a particularly icky test on me. (lol) When the nurse walked by me and asked if I was such and such, I told her that I saw her walking downstairs to the cafeteria, causing a near panic on the 5th floor because I as supposed to be restricted to my bed! As you've probably figured out by now, I'm not the best patient either.
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
IN THE KNOW WITH RO: YES, I'M A GRANDMOTHER, BUT...: A while ago my son told me, "Mom, you're the worst grandmother in the history of the world!" He's probably right. Most gr...
IN THE KNOW WITH RO: ARE YOU WALKING ON EGGSHELLS?: When it comes to emotional abuse, friends and family struggle with the danger involved because there are no visible bruises. In fact, man...
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