Also, if I'm working on a project, I sometimes lose my train of thought, which can be a nightmare. Or I might be watching a movie, reading a really good book, eating a cheeseburger, asleep, or even more scary - getting out of the shower.
When I first moved in, I had a neighbor who would knock on the door and come right in, and mostly she just looked around which I thought was pretty weird. Later, I found out she was on crack, which made me wonder if she was planning a heist at my place one day in the very near future. So now if she comes over to borrow cream or sugar for her coffee, I politely ask her to wait on the porch, shut the door, pour everything into a container and hand it all to her, while she's standing outside. There's no more casing of my house.(lol)
What about you, are you thrown off track by surprise visitors?
Did you eat Cheerios as a kid? Do you still eat them? They've been around since 1941, and originally called CheeriOats. Their name changed to Cheerios in 1945 and soon became the best selling cereal in the United States.
But things changed again in 1979. Surely you've seen all those commercials for Honey Nut Cheerios, right? In 2009 the new version became so popular that it ran circles around the original Cheerios, and continues to outsell it.
I haven't tried all of them, but according to General Mills, there are a total of 13 flavors, including chocolate and very berry.
Geneva Switzerland
If you've been reading this blog, you already know that a trip to Switzerland is on my bucket list, so feel free to mail me a ticket.(lol) But until then, I'll keep entering contests. Meanwhile, with 12 bedrooms and 12 bathrooms, The Royal Penthouse Suite at The Hotel President Wilson in Geneva will envelop you in luxury. If you're worried about security, rest assured that you're fully protected with bulletproof windows, and a state of the art alarm system. If you have close to $90,000 a night to spend, this is the vacation spot for you.

If you're visiting the states, The Lotte New York Palace Hotel has a jewel suite with the perfect freebie just for you. Some hotels throw rose petals on the bed or yummy pieces of chocolate, but these people aim to impress by leaving a $2500 diamond ring on the pillow! Rooms are about $25,000 a night.

Lots are activities are being planned to celebrate Cinco de Mayo, but if you also want to find deals on food year round, be sure to visit
Will you be putting on your festive hat this Saturday, May 5? Why not make a Pomegranate Mint Julep for something a little different?
![]() |
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup water
6 mint sprigs, divided
3 ounces bourbon
4 ounces pomegranate juice
2 ounces seltzer water
2 rosemary sprigs, for garnish
In a small saucepan, combine sugar, water and 4 mint sprigs to make a mint-infused simple syrup. Bring to a bubble, stirring until sugar has dissolved, about 2-3 minutes. Let cool.
In a cocktail shaker filled with ice, add mint simple syrup, bourbon and pomegranate juice. Shake for about 20-30 seconds then pour over 2 rocks glasses filled with crushed ice.
Top each glass off with a splash of seltzer and garnish with a mint and rosemary sprig.
YEP, THEY'RE STILL AROUNDIf you're like our friend Greg from over at, you enjoy comic books, and for me, I really love the older versions of Archie, Green Lantern and Batman. So if you'd like the chance to check out new comics like the Power Rangers and more, May 5 is FREE Comic Book Day. Visit for more information, and stop by to check out Greg's site where he talks about new books, sci-fi and other really neat stuff.
Have you ever used one of those hand grips? They are a tough workout on your hands, but did you know that your blood pressure can be lowered up to 9 points by using it? If you struggle through for 10 minutes a day, 4 days a week, according to Dr. Avnish Kumar, working those tiny hand muscles tells your blood vessels to relax, making it easier for your heart to pump blood, and therefore lowering your blood pressure.
I really like Rachel Ray for 2 reasons - she's down to earth and she cooks hamburgers on the show a lot! But did you know they are looking for guests to be on the show? Some topics require you to be a resident of NYC, but others are a free for all for various topics that include "Does your hubby need a swimsuit makeover", "do you want to propose on the show", "have you lost more than 100 pounds", and more. That topic list is pretty long of who they'd like to be on the show.Please click here for the guidelines.
Sadly, I speak with many women who have been either physically harmed or emotionally traumatized. I've seen black eyes, broken arms, burns, stabbings and gunshot wounds. A few are no longer with us. The majority tell me that the emotional abuse stayed with them for years, affecting their self esteem, and how they interacted in other relationships. Some stay in therapy for years to overcome the damage.
Emotional abuse may be subtle or very much in your face, and can include name calling, being body shamed, having funds withheld, being cheated on or lied to, gaslighted or degraded. Either way, these women are afraid to get out of bed, are in fear for their children, and believe that they have no place to go.
The ridiculous things I hear from an abuser, is that"she made me hit her", "she made me be mean to her or treat her badly". I hate to hear from strangers "that she must have liked it", or "she could have left". Even worse is this comment, "I don't hit her do I?" Meanwhile the mental anguish that is subjected on his wife or girlfriend everyday continues unchecked.
Make no mistake - men, children, parents and those in same sex relationships experience abuse, but my posts deal specifically on what happens with women. But it's all very, very wrong, and in many instances a crime.
I was reading and found this post.
Emotional manipulators have no sense of accountability. They take no responsibility for themselves or their behavior – it is always about what everyone else has “done to them”.
Thanks for the reminder of Free Comic Book Day. I always forget when it is until either the day of or after it's already passed.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it cool to get free stuff? I hope you were able to get yours this year! Hugs...RO
DeleteRo, I never answer my front door. Oh I am a master of peering out the blinds, but unless it were to be the police or a girl scout (and I feared something had happened to one of my loved ones or a Girl Scout during Cookie season). Have a great weekend Ro! I know never to come to your house Kool Kimberly unless I have some Girl Scout cookies. (lol) Hugs...RO
DeleteI do not care for surprise visitors!!!! It is rude. And not, not, not allowed in this day and age. I peek out front, look to see who is there, do not open door, to anyone I do not really know.
ReplyDeleteBooo Hissssss Bahhhhh Humbug----->surprise visitors!!!!!
These days, it's become a bit of a hindrance for sure. Sometimes, it's even a safety issue. LOL - I can tell you don't want any surprises. Happy Saturday! Hugs...RO
DeleteWe don't care much for our neighbors, one is weird and the other hates cats so We're thrilled if they never stop by!
ReplyDeleteLOL! Brian, you always make me smile. Hope your day is going great! Hugs...RO
DeleteMy friends know I don't lock my front door ever. Even when I am gone overnight. I live in a safe neighborhood. But they also know to call before they barge in because I don't wear clothes when it's hot out. (TMI?) If someone rings the doorbell, I probably won't hear it if I'm in the office. If I do hear it, they leave before I can get dressed.
ReplyDeleteI've never heard of free comic book day. I must tell a few of my comic book fan friends.
My friend Kathy bought one of those jester hats. I'm not a hat person, but I know I'd wear one if I went to the Kentucky Derby.
Your reminders to abused women is always spot on, dear friend. And the women: "it must have been my fault," or "he didn't mean to hurt me." I tell them to get therapy (professional help) or get out.
Wow! Living as you do reminds me of how it used to be back in the day, and also while in the Air Force in North Dakota. We could leave our car running, go shopping, and come back knowing the car would still be there. You are truly blessed to live in such a kind environment where you're safe. LOL!!!!! Very cool on the no clothes rule when it's too hot out. That sounds like such fun. I have several Cat in the Hat hats and other crazy hats that I normally wear in October. I could see us all at Kentucky Derby to show off our headwear. It saddens me what is said about abuse, but therapy can help us get back to being ourselves. Happy Monday to you my friend and Hugs...RO
DeleteI also prefer not to have unannounced visits, I like to make sure my house is in order when people come over.
ReplyDeleteI must tell my parents about he hand grip exercises as both suffer from high blood pressure. Thanks RO
I agree Sami. To have someone show up to a messy house would be so embarrassing for me.(lol) That thing is tough to use, but it supposedly works. Thanks for passing it on. Hugs...RO
DeleteHi RO :) I CANNOT STAND un-announced visitors. Well, in all honesty, Alex and I are such hermits, we don't like ANY visitors lol...but if someone is at the door, we hide! Ha! I used to love Cheerios, I'm not much of a cereal gal anymore though. I think mint juleps will be on the menu this weekend. :)
ReplyDeleteI agree with everything you said about emotional abuse. I've mentioned that I was in such a relationship for a while and the toll it took on my heart, spirit and self-worth was devastating. Took a LONG time to heal from it, and I find that even now that I'm with Alex, who is wonderful, I still get very defensive and realize my perception is all out of whack still at times. It's a work in progress to continue healing.
LOL! I totally get it, Rain. When you're in your comfort zone, you like to keep it that way for sure. It is a work in progress and never easy to get over. It's so wonderful that you found the perfect man who treat you well and respects you. I always love hearing about your romance. Hugs...RO
DeleteI don't even answer my door so coming unannounced wouldn't work for me lol
ReplyDeleteMy husband goes through a box of family size cheerios every week!
I've witnessed a lot of physical and emotional abuse to friends (& children) over the years and it is NEVER the victims fault and we can't judge. It's not always easy to *just leave* or whatever. We can only be there to support and listen and help when needed.
Karen @ For What It's Worth
Nope! I'm the not answer the door ninja too. I deal with people alright out in public, but my doorstep is a nada. Thing is, where I live in this small town, you can still get door to door solicitation, fundraising, or anything, but.. the unspoken rule is that people you know go to your back/side door and people you don't know go to the front. So, I ignore the front door (okay, and sometimes the back one if I have a headache).
ReplyDeleteLove cheerios! And yay for Derby Day hats (and Derby day).
I'm always glad you bring out reminders about abuse- especially, the emotional kind that its harder to pinpoint.
Have a great weekend, Radiant Ro!
My goodness, that would be the pits to have people constantly coming to sell you stuff at home. I like the idea of being a "ninja" about it. (lol) I can't say I'm a serious Cheerios fan unless there's some time of flavor involved. The emotional type of abuse is super hard to zero in for sure. Hugs...RO
DeleteI always show up unannounced at my parents, I am so bad! Cos I hate it when someone does it to me ;) Especially when I was sitting in the livingroom breastfeeding and the door just opened, sheesh peeps
ReplyDeleteYour parents are probably used to you showing up, and would be surprised if you stopped doing it. (lol) Hugs...
DeleteI love Cheerios! Try the chocolate -- they're delicious!!!
DeleteI firmly believe that all abuse starts with emotional abuse. Emotional abuse deadens and damages the victim to the point that the other abuse seems almost 'reasonable', 'justifiable' and is a part of the reason people don't leave.
ReplyDeleteVisitors? Jazz growls and scuttles away to hide in the wardrobe. My partner would like to do the same. Knowing how little they cope with intrusions I am wary too.
I totally agree, that it starts with the emotional abuse and can sometimes be so subtle. Yes, by the time it becomes so prevalent, self esteem is at an all time low, making it near impossible to leave and thinking we don't deserve better. Add to that the lack of financial means, or the crippling fear, and the nightmare becomes never ending. I'm so glad that this is a platform for you and that you get it EC. Hiding in the wardrobe sounds like a stealthy fun. (lol) Hugs...RO
DeleteWho still eats the plain kind?
ReplyDeleteLOL! I wish I could find out how many people still eat the original too. I think these days that people like the cool flavors too. Hugs...RO
DeleteNo! People arriving without you knowing in advance? No, no, no. But it wasn't the case in my childhood. People did back then turn up unannounced, especially Sundays. Most good house husbands would have a cake baked in expectation of Sunday visitors.
ReplyDeleteI like your taste in hotels, but really, aren't the prices absurd.
I don't think we had Cheerios here. But they sound like Honey Smacks to me. Cheerios here were small frankfurts or saveloys, a small sausage like thing to be boiled and then dunked in tomato sauce (ketchup).
I have a hard time with it too Andrew, but like you, I loved it as a kid,and it was the norm in the neighborhood. True, there was plenty of yummy food involved too. (lol) The prices are crazy for sure! That sounds interesting for breakfast Andrew. It's cool to see the differences in food availability in different countries. Glad you stopped by! Hugs...RO
DeleteHa I always look forward to new posts from you RO, MultiGrain Cheerios is my almost always breakfast, I do not like or tolerate drop in guests, if you want to visit call. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteThat's funny, as I get older I get less and less enthused I think with people just randomly showing up? Although on the other hand it is nice to have surprise company, so I guess... it depends on the day?? And how busy or not busy it is lol?
ReplyDeleteI did not know that about Ian Fleming- how cool! Although at that price I'll have to pass ha ha!
Ooh thanks for mentioning my blog- such kind words. I was not expecting THAT! Thank you!! Have a super weekend :)
LOL! Surprise company can be fun, but only if I haven't seen the person in years. Strangers showing up can be a little spooky these days. I thought that was pretty cool about Fleming too. Your blog is always full of something neat, and I enjoy visiting. Happy Saturday and Hugs...RO
DeleteLOL yeah I don't deal with people random showing up. I don't answer lol Always freaks me out when the bell rings.
ReplyDeleteDitto here. You just never know what a person is doing, you know?(lol) Happy Saturday and Hugs...RO
Delete90K a night for a hotel room????? That would sure put a dent in feeding the hungry wouldn't it? Give me a night at Nora Roberts' Boonsboro Inn and I'll be happy as the proverbial clam.
ReplyDeleteHave a wondrous weekend, Rockin Ro. As always an illuminating and fun post.
LOL! Even if I were super rich, I'm not sure I'd actually stay there overnight, but I would fly there and ask for a tour to take pictures. Then I'd fly right back to the Boonsboro Inn to read a really good book. (lol) Hope you're doing well! Hugs...RO
DeleteI'm not a social butterfly so they know they need to call before they come over or I won't answer my door. Simple as that.
ReplyDeleteI hear you on that, Mary. Before I head that way on a trip, I'll definitely shoot you a message! (lol) Hugs...RO
DeleteI do not like popovers or people coming over unannounced. Usually because I could be doing anything and be involved in something big- but also because I like to be mentally prepared to be social.
ReplyDeleteThe last quote is so true. I am always shocked when I hear people say something like- she should just leave. It tells me a lot about the person saying it.
I agree Stephanie. It's quite inconvenient, and the house could be a mess! I agree, when I'm in work mode, it's hard to switch over that quickly, and I need some time. Really good point, and it does speak volumes about the people who make those comments. Always love when you stop by. Hugs and Happy Wednesday! RO
DeleteOh gosh, I hate when people just show up at my house because it's usually not anyone I want to open the door for, so I usually just ignore it. That's crazy about your neighbor walking in! Creeepy.
LOL! You're so funny Lauren. I agree, my neighbor is quite a character! Hugs...RO
DeleteWow, that neighbor is creepy. I'm surprised you let her in after the first two times!
ReplyDeleteSo are we going to see you Rachey Ray soon?
LOL! She's something else Braine. But she definitely knows she can't come in these days. As much as I adore Rach, I'm way too shy to be on LIVE television. (lol) Happy Monday and Hugs...RO
DeleteI do not like surprise visitors!!! Yucky! LOL! I work from home too, in my comfy clothes!!! Your neighbour creeped me out! LOL! I love Cheerios!! Those hotels are over me! LOL! That drink sounds yummy! Thank you! Thanks for another great post! Big Hugs!
ReplyDeleteIt's just comfortable to be able to dress how we like while working from home without all the unexpected interruptions, right? My neighbor is quite a character for sure. (lol) Aren't those hotels fantastic? Thanks for the kudos and hope you have an amazing day! Hugs...RO
DeleteRO...another terrific post!!!
ReplyDeleteI don't get unannounced visitors. Even our granddaughter and her family call before comming over and they live right across the street!!!
I take that back. We do get visits every now and then from the door-to-door religious people. I answer the door only to explain that I am not interested and to have a nice day.
Hubby loves Cheerios! He has been enjoying them since he was a kid!
Being in abusive relationships is traumatic for so many reasons. Thank you for being there for those who need someone to open up to. You are an angel of mercy.
Great Big Hugs
Thanks so much for the kind words dear Jan, and I was thrilled to see that I can come over to comment on your beautiful artwork again. I miss chatting. The surprise visits are a no go for me these days(lol) Very cool that your hubby is old school and loves his Cheerios so much. Abuse is definitely traumatic in all its forms, and I always appreciate your support so much. Hope you and the family are having an awesome Saturday! RO
DeleteThose Somee Cards are hilarious, especially the second one. I haven't rolled away from the window but I've came close. Ha.
ReplyDeleteLOL! Happy Saturday Super Sandra! RO
DeleteHi RO, I haven’t a clue who Rachel Ray is.
ReplyDeleteLOL! She's a super famous chef that started on The Food Network, and now has her own show, cookware, dog food, books and goodness knows what else. Hugs...RO
DeleteI work from home, too. I don't get many unexpected visitors, but I'm always a little selfconscious when I do. I often work in leggings and a t-shirt -- comfy but not all that flattering!
ReplyDeleteI'm sure you look quite lovely whatever you wear. Still, it's just uncomfy when people don't give advance notice before popping in. Hugs...
DeleteI've never really wanted to go to Jamaica but now I kind want to go just to sit at Ian Fleming's desk! I love his books. And that view from the suite in Geneva is crazy beautiful! And yeah I hide if anyone comes to the door. Not cool!
ReplyDeleteThat Trading Spaces was nuts! I knew neither were going to like it from the beginning too. I kind of wondered why they were on the show.
I'm with you Katherine, and would prefer an Alaskan Cruise or somewhere cool, but that desk seems to be calling my name too.(lol) I was excited to see this every Saturday, and now they're back to doing the older shows again. Ugh. I kind of liked those designs, but as you mentioned, I knew it was going to be a real bust. I would definitely Trade Spaces if I had the chance for sure. Happy Saturday and Hugs...RO
DeleteI am not a fan of persons turning up at my house unannounced. If they come without warning, I will not be going out to them. Although I live in Jamaica, I must confess I have never been to the Flemming Villa. Too rich for my blood. Way out of my price range.
ReplyDeleteI agree, Nadene, and don't want someone to just show up unannounced. Most of the time I'm in unglamourous pajamas(lol) How did I not notice you live in Jamaica, and that must be so very cool! I'll bet you have lots of great stories to tell about such an amazing place. I wonder if we could just peek at the desk and move on?(lol) Hugs...RO
DeleteI honestly rarely ever answer my front door these days. Seems like it's always someone trying to sell me something. I don't answer my home phone for the same reason.
ReplyDeleteMan, I wish I could afford to stay in some of those over-the-top hotel rooms. They look fabulous!
It's on my bucket list to stay at a luxury hotel one of these days, and I plan to take lots and lots of pics(lol) I'm with you, and don't answer the door for unexpected visitors if I can help it. Happy Saturday and Hugs...RO
DeleteThis is a great post Ro, I never answer the door if I am on my own. If it is someone I know I do but we get a lot of people soliciting around here. I like a little warning when people I know are coming. Great post!
ReplyDeleteI agree, please give me a jingle before showing up. The one exception is someone coming to visit who is from out of town. Too much crazy stuff happening other than that. Hugs and happy Saturday! RO
DeleteDry Cheerios (or in a bowl with milk:)is such a great snack for kids.
I've done that a little when my son was a kid. Now that's grown, I don't think he ever even touches the stuff anymore!(lol) Hugs and Happy Saturday! RO
DeleteGood one! In house i too will be little bit free in dressing. Normally when they ring the bell i used to confirm who are they before let them in. Nobody can enter the house as like ringing the bell.
ReplyDeleteWhen i feel frustrated either i would sleep or go out of the place.
Happy to know about the yummy and healthy breakfast.
There are many places on my bucket to have a visit. Thanks for the information given by you:)
Always good to read your posts.
ReplyDeleteI'm not keen on unannounced visits ...
All the best Jan
I love your blog for so many reasons! You tackle tough topics in such a way that people can relate to it whether or not they've experienced first hand or not. For that, I thank you. Keeping emotional and physical abuse in the forefront can help people feel less ashamed so they can speak up if it happens to them. Rock on, my friend!
Dear Elsie, you are just so kind to me, and I appreciate your support and words of wisdom. I hope you are having the best weekend ever! Hugs...and more hugs! RO
DeleteWow is good to be back with my ex again, thank you Dr Ekpen for the help, I just want to let you know that is reading this post in case you are having issues with your lover and is leading to divorce and you don’t want the divorce, Dr Ekpen is the answer to your problem. Or you are already divorce and you still want him/her contact Dr Ekpen the spell caster now on ( or whatsapp him on +2347050270218 and you will be clad you did
ReplyDeleteMy Name is Lindsey Gabrielle, I want to say a big thanks to the man who brought my Husband back to me. I’m so excited my broken Marriage has been restored and my ex-husband is back after he left me and our 2kids for another woman. I was so happy to meet Prophet Abulele how he helps many people to bring their Lover back so I contact him to help me too. that was how Prophet Abulele help me to bring my husband back. A big thank to you Prophet Abulele because I never thought my ex Husband will be back to me so quickly with your spell. You are the best and world greatest. if you are here and you need your Ex-Lover back or your husband moved to another woman, do not cry anymore, contact this powerful spell caster now. Here’s his contact: Email him at: ( and You can also Call/WhatsApp:+2349022406159