Tuesday, November 26, 2013
IN THE KNOW WITH RO: DECADENT AFTER DINNER DRINKS: HONEY-ALMOND SPICED TEA Stir honey, to taste, and a drop of almond extract into hot orange-spice tea. Add milk and serve with cinnamon sti...

Stir honey, to taste, and a drop of almond extract into hot orange-spice tea. Add milk and serve with cinnamon stick for stirring.
Stir a pinch of ground cinnamon and, if desired, sugar to taste into hot coffee. In cup, combine with equal amount of steaming hot milk. Top with whipped cream and a sprinkling of sugar.

Place a black tea bag in a teacup or mug, then add a drop of vanilla extract. Add hot water and steep, then remove the bag. Add a splash of rum and sugar to taste.
Place slices of peeled fresh ginger in bottom of the teapot, then add mint tea bags. Fill with hot water and steep for several minutes. Stir in agave nectar or honey to taste.
Monday, November 25, 2013
IN THE KNOW WITH RO: YOUR SCAR MAY NOT BE VISIBLE...: The United Nations’ International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women is an occasion for governments, international organizati...

I have a close friend in Arizona, who has been married about 4 years. Let me premise this by saying that she is exceptionally intelligent, at one time holding a very high paying job in the corporate industry, has a sweet personality and is eager to help others. Does she have faults? Absolutely, but we all do. Since that time, her husband has cheated and when caught, told her she was making it up, was crazy and needed mental help. He has lied on her to his family and friends ruining her reputation in a neighborhood she's lived in for over 12 years without incident. He tells her she looks like a bulldog and is strong enough to lift a car. He is easily angered, yelling for no reason, demeaning and degrading her character both publicly and privately, using profane words, assuring her it's all her fault that he speaks the way that he does. He withholds funds after she's paid bills, telling her she doesn't have a real job and because of her he can't purchase things for himself. He says he can't stand her. He has lied about so many things, that she can no longer really count on anything that he says. She's tried to tell him she's afraid to talk to him, yet he minimizes her feelings by saying he doesn't hit her, so why is she afraid? Her clothing is dowdy, he won't introduce her to friends, and insists she do all the work around the house despite both of them working. When she's submissive he yells, when she tries to exhibit assertiveness, he loses his temper. Everything that's wrong is his life is her fault. Make no mistake - this is Abuse.
To say that this man is absolutely gorgeous would be an understatement, and he is super handy around the house. Add to that his fabulous sense of humor making most people feel immediately comfortable, and you have a real life romance novel hero . There are even some days, she says, when he is unbelievably kind, making her doubt her sanity; yet smoldering beneath the shiny exterior is a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. She is still beautiful, has gained some weight due to her sadness, grown reclusive and is now a shell of her former self. Why won't she leave, you ask? Mostly she's afraid of being alone, no financial stability, not being accepted and believing that she doesn't deserve any better. What hurts me is that I've been listening to this for a while and she is too far away for me to hug, and he won't allow her to visit. I can remind her that she's not alone and help is available. There is still hope.
This is just the tip of the iceberg, and many of you may be going through even worse situations. If this is a day in your life, please know that it's not your fault. Someone who loves you will not humiliate you and subject you to needless pain. These instances are examples of verbal and financial abuse designed to intimidate and manipulate, eventually effecting your self-esteem and emotional well being.
Please seek help or guidance when you safely can, and know that there are plenty of people in your corner wanting to offer assistance. It doesn't matter what state or country you're in, I'm here to listen, cry with you, and hopefully provide valuable help. You are beautiful in every single way, and you deserve the best. Please don't give up!
Saturday, November 23, 2013
IN THE KNOW WITH RO: BOOK REVIEW: - Yield to Me by Sarah Castille
IN THE KNOW WITH RO: BOOK REVIEW: - Yield to Me by Sarah Castille:
UNRAVELED: Book 2 - Yield to Me
Sarah Castille
Guest Reviewer: Allegra Alston
Abruptly interrupted while training at San Franciso's...
UNRAVELED: Book 2 - Yield to Me
Sarah Castille
Guest Reviewer: Allegra Alston
Abruptly interrupted while training at San Franciso's...
IN THE KNOW WITH RO: CARROT-CRANBERRY SALAD W/MINT DRESSING: 1/2 Cup Rice Wine Vinegar 2 Tbsp Grated Ginger 1/2 Tbsp Minced Garlic 1 Tsp Sugar 1/4 Cup Olive Oil 2 Tbsp Mint Finely Choppe...

1/2 Cup Rice Wine Vinegar
2 Tbsp Grated Ginger
1/2 Tbsp Minced Garlic
1 Tsp Sugar
1/4 Cup Olive Oil
2 Tbsp Mint Finely Chopped + 1/4 Cup Torn Mint
Salt and Pepper
1 Lb Carrots, shredded
1 Small Red Onion, halved and thinly sliced
1/2 Cup Dried Cranberries
2 Scallions - green part only, sliced
1/4 Cup Cilantro
In a small bowl, whisk the vinegar, ginger, garlic, sugar, olive oil and 2 Tbsp Mint. Season with salt and pepper. In a large bowl, toss carrots, red onion, cranberries, scallions, cilantro and remaining 1/4 cup of mint leaves. Pour the dressing over the salad, tossing well, then marinating at room temperature for about 1 hour, stirring occasionally to allow the flavors to develop. If you enjoy a little heat, add some diced jalapenos or red pepper flakes.
Friday, November 22, 2013
IN THE KNOW WITH RO: CONTROL & POWER: While in the abusive situation, it's very hard to see a particular pattern of behavior-but there is one. This pattern is used by the ...
While in the abusive situation, it's very hard to see a particular pattern of behavior-but there is one. This pattern is used by the abuser to initiate and maintain control. Most people are aware of the physical abuse, which may be easily seen by others, but it is also paired with other types of abuse that may not be as easily recognized and include:
INTIMIDATION - This tactic is used to make someone afraid with angry looks, behavior and gestures. Perhaps things are thrown, doors kicked in, weapons are brandished, or the destruction of personal property.
PRIVILEGE - Treating you like a servant in your own home, acting as master of the home and not including you in major decisions. Antagonistically defining roles of men and women.
ECONOMIC ABUSE - Unable to have your own money, or making you have to ask for money. Keeping financial information secret, or stopping you from getting a job.
MINIMIZING, BLAMING AND DENYING - Frequently hurting you emotionally, then saying it's no big deal. Not taking concerns seriously and denying the abuse ever occurred. Making statements such as "you made me yell, you made me hit you, you did it to yourself", refusing to take accountability and frequent lies to or about you.
As difficult as it is to remember this right now, YOU ARE NOT AT FAULT. No one deserves this type of physical or mental anguish, and Love Should Never Hurt. When you can, and it's safe, seek help from a shelter, pastor, or someone you trust. There's still time to start your life over and to be loved for the wonderful person you are.
INTIMIDATION - This tactic is used to make someone afraid with angry looks, behavior and gestures. Perhaps things are thrown, doors kicked in, weapons are brandished, or the destruction of personal property.
PRIVILEGE - Treating you like a servant in your own home, acting as master of the home and not including you in major decisions. Antagonistically defining roles of men and women.
ECONOMIC ABUSE - Unable to have your own money, or making you have to ask for money. Keeping financial information secret, or stopping you from getting a job.
MINIMIZING, BLAMING AND DENYING - Frequently hurting you emotionally, then saying it's no big deal. Not taking concerns seriously and denying the abuse ever occurred. Making statements such as "you made me yell, you made me hit you, you did it to yourself", refusing to take accountability and frequent lies to or about you.
As difficult as it is to remember this right now, YOU ARE NOT AT FAULT. No one deserves this type of physical or mental anguish, and Love Should Never Hurt. When you can, and it's safe, seek help from a shelter, pastor, or someone you trust. There's still time to start your life over and to be loved for the wonderful person you are.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
IN THE KNOW WITH RO: UNDERCOVER BOSS: Flashback to 2010, 2011 and 2012, then fast forward to 2013 and tell me if you notice something very familiar on Undercover Boss. Maybe it&...

The other day I talked to the manager at Family Dollar and she was really pissed off that her company was going to be featured on the show. So pissed off, in fact, that she started cursing and saying if they ever showed up at her store, she'd sue! Uh...I'm not really sure if that would work, considering the owners can sort of pop into their stores whenever they want, but I wisely kept my mouth shut with that feedback. No way was I going to get yelled at! (lol) She then was irritated because she said the employees get no extra benefits and are not treated well, so if one of those people on the program got a trip or something, she was going to blow a gasket. Uh...okay. She finally ended the conversation by saying she wasn't going to even watch the "f***ing show. Done with her rant, she provided my receipt and wished me a good day. I couldn't make this stuff up guys, seriously.
The BIG question of the day, however - Is This Real? Can everyone NOT know that something up? Do people still behave badly when they know they're on camera and simply not care? I'll still be watching because it's one of my guilty pleasures.
Personally, I love Undercover Boss because it gives a lot of insight into what goes on behind the scenes of companies like 7-11, Cinnabon, Hooters, Whitecastle, DHL, Retro Fitness, Rocket Fizz, Checkers, etc., and the lives of the employees. Of course, it really bugs my husband that I cry at the end of every show when people are given such awesome gifts, but I'm touched and really happy at how their lives are changed in such a positive way.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Verbal abuse is a pattern of behavior which interferes with positive emotional development, and over time can lead to significant loss of self-esteem, emotional well-being and physical state. It is also described as an ongoing emotional environment designed by the abuser for purposes of control.
If you are expericing the types of behavior listed below, please know that you are not alone, and help may be just a phone call away.
When you can, seek help. Know that someone does care and wants to support you. I care...
If you are expericing the types of behavior listed below, please know that you are not alone, and help may be just a phone call away.
- Abuser blows up, yells or dominates you
- Abuser makes derogatory comments about or discounts you and the things you have to say
- Abuser calls you a liar, hypocrite, ugly, fat, etc.
- Abuser blames you for his/her behavior
- Abuser refuses to listen to you or share his/her feelings, or gives the siltent treatment
- Abuser makes light of your work, your efforts, your interests or concerns
- Abuser manipulates your words and thought process or causes you to submit to undesirable or illegal behavior
- Abuser says that something did not occur and it definitely did.
When you can, seek help. Know that someone does care and wants to support you. I care...
Saturday, November 16, 2013
IN THE KNOW WITH RO: BOOK REVIEW - YOURS TO TAKE:Cathryn Fox: UNRAVELED YOURS TO TAKE – Book 1: Cathryn Fox November 2013 Contemporary Romance
Guest Reviewer: Allegra Alston
Cathryn F...
Guest Reviewer: Allegra Alston
Cathryn F...
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
IN THE KNOW WITH RO: OBSERVATIONS...GUILTY PLEASURES: I'm not really a fan of wrestling, but my husband watches it every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Yikes! As you can imagi...
IN THE KNOW WITH RO: CONTESTS & SWEEPSTAKES: If you're interested in finding out about cool sweepstakes and contests that are totally FREE, check out www.infinitesweeps.com an...
Monday, November 11, 2013
ally, approximately 60% of all shelter residents return to their abusers". That's a high statistic, yet as I spoke to some strangers I met the other day about domestic abuse and/or violence, it shocked me to hear them ask questions like, "What would make them stay in a situation like that?" "Women should have more sense than to put up with being beaten".
Sadly, it's almost 2014, and so many people still don't understand the vicious cycle of abuse. Many are afraid, embarrassed, or feel as if what they're going through is deserved. Some have no financial means to just pack up and leave. Many have such low self-esteem caused by the abuser, that they simply feel as if they can't do any better. Some women who are being emotionally beaten don't even recognize that they are also being abused., and deal with the name calling, character attacks, degradation and emotional bullying.
If someone you know is being emotionally or physically abused, please offer help, rather then judgement. This opens the door, so the person feels some level of comfort, and can take steps to move on. If you are being abused, call your local domestic violence organization, which will have tons of resources. Please remember: A kind word of support may even save someone's life.

Sadly, it's almost 2014, and so many people still don't understand the vicious cycle of abuse. Many are afraid, embarrassed, or feel as if what they're going through is deserved. Some have no financial means to just pack up and leave. Many have such low self-esteem caused by the abuser, that they simply feel as if they can't do any better. Some women who are being emotionally beaten don't even recognize that they are also being abused., and deal with the name calling, character attacks, degradation and emotional bullying.
If someone you know is being emotionally or physically abused, please offer help, rather then judgement. This opens the door, so the person feels some level of comfort, and can take steps to move on. If you are being abused, call your local domestic violence organization, which will have tons of resources. Please remember: A kind word of support may even save someone's life.
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Guests at the house starting to overwhelm you already, or you're dreading all that cooking for the holidays? Sneak away when you can with the erotic release, Unraveled, where you get not 1 but 8 decadent stories of passion from Sara Fawkes, Julia Kent, Opal Carew, Vivi Anna, Sarah Castille, Cathryn Fox, Lauren Hawkeye and Daire St. Denis.
Be on the lookout for a guest review coming soon, starting with Yours to Take by the very perky and prolific Cathryn Fox. Let me just say that the steamy conversation and naughty antics between attorney Rebecca Andrews and Quinn Montgomery, the hunky multi-millionnaire owner of Montgomery Charters, had me feeling the heat for sure. But don't take my word for it - stay tuned...
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
IN THE KNOW WITH RO: ARE YOU BEING ABUSED?: Gary Chapman , quotes the following statement: "You do not help an abusive spouse when you act as though the harsh words do not hurt...
Gary Chapman, quotes the following statement:
"You do not help an abusive spouse when you act as though the harsh words do not hurt you. The answer, however, is not to lash back, to retaliate with your own verbal abuse. The answer is to acknowledge that you have been wounded and need help. You need to remind your spouse that you are also human and that abusive words cut you deeply."
Have you been publicly humiliated, lied on so many believe it's all your fault, called profane names, told you were ugly, fat or useless, or yelled at for no reason, over and over and over again, causing your self-esteem to be at an all time low? Even if your significant other is not hitting you physically, and there are no marks on your body - yes, you are still being abused emotionally. This type of abuser justifies the action by telling you and others that he/she isn't hitting you, so it's ok.
It doesn't matter if you've been in a relationship for a month or 15 years, or you're 17 or 57, this behavior does not exhibit a loving and caring relationship. It's not too late to live a life of enchantment and fulfillment, even if it means being alone, or your children have only one parent.
Of course, most of us would find it difficult to simply pack up and leave. And you may be afraid to make it on your own, particularly if you have no income. Maybe you'll wonder what people will say. But if you take a moment to write down the pros and cons on a piece of paper, you may realize that for your own sanity and well-being, it's best to move on. This is even more true if there are children involved.
When you can, gather your courage and call someone at a domestic abuse shelter, or a pastor, who will talk to you about your feelings and the best course of action to take for you and/or your family.
Take that first step. Eventually the smiles will come back, the tears will dry up, and you'll be able to walk proudly with your head up. I believe in you, and remember - Love Should Never Hurt.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
IN THE KNOW WITH RO: Top Veterans' Day Freebies and Discounts
IN THE KNOW WITH RO: Top Veterans' Day Freebies and Discounts: If you, or someone you know is a veteran or retired/active duty, below is a list compiled from www.military.com on great freebies and disco...
Top Veterans' Day Freebies and Discounts
If you, or someone you know is a veteran or retired/active duty, below is a list compiled from www.military.com on great freebies and discounts on Veterans' Day.
Note: Not all franchise locations participate in their national chain's Veterans Day programs -- be sure contact your nearest establishment to make sure they are participating.
Also, you may have to clone yourself, or pick a favorite as several events happen on the same day around the same time.
2013 Veterans Day Restaurant Offerings:
Applebees - Veterans and active duty military receive a free meal from a limited menu, on Veterans Day, Monday, Nov. 11.
Chili's – Veterans and active duty can get a free entrée all day from a special limited menu on Monday, Nov. 11.
Denny’s -- Active, inactive and retired military personnel can get free all you can eat pancakes on Veterans Day nationwide.
FATZ – Veterans and active duty military can enjoy a free entrée at FATZ, up to a $15 value. Veterans who dine at FATZ on November 11 will also receive a $2 coupon for use on their next visit.
Golden Corral – Golden Corral is offering a free dinner on Monday Nov. 11, from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Military retirees, veterans, active duty, National Guard and Reserves are all welcome.
Hoss’s Family Steak & Sea House – Veterans eat for free on Monday, Nov. 11 from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Max and Erma's – On Monday, Nov. 11, participating Max & Erma’s locations are saluting veterans and active military personnel with a free Best Cheeseburger in America Combo meal.
McCormick & Schmick's Seafood Restaurants – On Sunday, November 10, participating McCormick & Schmick's Seafood Restaurants will offer a complimentary entree to vets from a special menu.
Menchi's -- All veterans will receive a free 6 oz. frozen yogurt on Monday, Nov. 11.
Olive Garden – On Monday, Nov. 11, all veterans and current servicemembers get a free meal from a limited menu. Family dining with them will also receive 10% off their meal.
On the Border – Veterans and active duty military can enjoy a free meal from the “Create Your Own Combo menu” on Monday, Nov. 11.
Paciugo Gelato Caffè – Paciugo is offering a free 12 oz. Gelatte® to veterans and active duty military on Monday, Nov. 11 at participating locations.
Red Robin – Veterans and active duty military get a free Tavern Double Burger and Bottomless Steak Fries on Monday, Nov. 11.
Shoney's -- Shoney's will be offering a free All-American Burger to veterans and active duty servicemembers on Monday, Nov. 11.
Sizzler – Sizzler is offering active duty and retired military members a free lunch from a limited menu on Monday, Nov. 11 until 4 p.m.
Spaghetti Warehouse – On Sunday, Nov. 10 and Monday, Nov. 11, choose one original spaghetti entrée or 15-layer lasagna and get the second entrée free. This deal requires a coupon, which is available starting Nov. 6 at the Spaghetti Warehouse website, the Facebook page, and can be presented from a mobile phone.
Texas Roadhouse – Texas Roadhouse locations nationwide will offer veterans a free lunch on Monday, Nov. 11 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Offer is good for active duty, retired or former U.S. military.
Tucanos Brazilian Grill -- Active duty, reserve and retired military and veterans receive a free Churrasco meal on Monday, Nov. 11. They are also offering 10% off the entire bill for veterans and troops who dine with their families, from Friday, Nov. 8 through Veteran’s Day, Monday, Nov. 11.
Travel Centers of America -- On Monday, Nov. 11, all CDL drivers who are military veterans eat free at participating full-service restaurants.
2013 Veterans Day Travel and Recreation:
Knotts Berry Farm – Knott's Berry Farm is offering free admission for veterans and active duty military personnel and one guest from November 4, 2013 to January 5, 2014.
National Parks - On Veterans Day weekend (Nov. 9-11) veterans will have access to over 100 National Parks that require entrance fees for free.
Red Roof Inn - Red Roof Inn is offering 15% off at more than 350 properties nationwide in the month of November to veterans, active duty military and their families.
Sea World Parks and Entertainment – Veterans and active duty military can get 50% off single-day admission tickets through Nov.11, 2013.
2013 Veterans Day Retailer Offerings:
Bed Bath and Beyond – Bed Bath and Beyond is offering veterans 20% off their entire purchase on Nov. 9, 10, and 11. This is good for active duty, DoD, reserves, guard, retirees, veterans, and military spouses.
Grace for Vets - Car washes from around the world who join this program offer free car washes to veterans and servicemembers on Nov. 11.
Home Depot – Home Depot offers a 10% discount to all veterans during Veterans Day, Memorial Day and Independence Day. Home Depot offers the 10% discount year round to for active duty and retirees.
Lowe's – All veterans receive a 10% discount on Veterans Day, Memorial Day and the Fourth of July. The offer is available in stores only.
Sport Clips – Participating locations are offering veterans and active duty servicemembers free haircuts on Monday, Nov. 11.
America's Parade – Veterans are invited to march in this New York City parade on Nov. 11.
Medal of Honor Stamps -- The U.S. Postal Service will issue special Medal of Honor stamps on Veterans Day, Nov. 11.
Year-Round Veterans Discounts:
Foot Locker – Veterans, servicemembers (active, guard, and reserve), and their immediate families with a Foot Locker Veterans Advantage Card receive a 20% discount every day of the year. That offer is good both online and at any store location, including Foot Locker, Lady Foot Locker, Kids Foot Locker, Footaction and Champs Sports — even on sale items.
Home Depot – Home Depot offers a 10% discount (up to a $500 maximum) to all active military, reserve, retired or disabled veterans and their family members with a valid military ID. All other veterans qualify for a 10% discount during Veterans Day, Memorial Day and Independence Day.
Lowe's – Lowe's offers a year-round 10% discount offer for all active duty, National Guard and Reserve, retirees and disabled servicemembers and their immediate families. All other veterans receive the 10% discount on Veterans Day, Memorial Day and the Fourth of July. The discount is available on in-stock and special-order purchases of up to $5,000. The offer can't be used on sales at Lowes.com, on previous sales or on sales of services or gift cards. You must present a valid military I.D. card to receive the discount.
Note: Not all franchise locations participate in their national chain's Veterans Day programs -- be sure contact your nearest establishment to make sure they are participating.
Also, you may have to clone yourself, or pick a favorite as several events happen on the same day around the same time.
2013 Veterans Day Restaurant Offerings:
Applebees - Veterans and active duty military receive a free meal from a limited menu, on Veterans Day, Monday, Nov. 11.
Champps -- On Monday, Nov. 11, Champps will offer a free handcrafted burger with fries to veterans and active duty military.
Charlie Brown's Steakhouse – Charlie Brown’s is offering a free meal to veterans and active duty military all day on Monday, Nov. 11.Chili's – Veterans and active duty can get a free entrée all day from a special limited menu on Monday, Nov. 11.
Denny’s -- Active, inactive and retired military personnel can get free all you can eat pancakes on Veterans Day nationwide.
FATZ – Veterans and active duty military can enjoy a free entrée at FATZ, up to a $15 value. Veterans who dine at FATZ on November 11 will also receive a $2 coupon for use on their next visit.
Golden Corral – Golden Corral is offering a free dinner on Monday Nov. 11, from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Military retirees, veterans, active duty, National Guard and Reserves are all welcome.
Hoss’s Family Steak & Sea House – Veterans eat for free on Monday, Nov. 11 from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Max and Erma's – On Monday, Nov. 11, participating Max & Erma’s locations are saluting veterans and active military personnel with a free Best Cheeseburger in America Combo meal.
McCormick & Schmick's Seafood Restaurants – On Sunday, November 10, participating McCormick & Schmick's Seafood Restaurants will offer a complimentary entree to vets from a special menu.
Menchi's -- All veterans will receive a free 6 oz. frozen yogurt on Monday, Nov. 11.
Olive Garden – On Monday, Nov. 11, all veterans and current servicemembers get a free meal from a limited menu. Family dining with them will also receive 10% off their meal.
On the Border – Veterans and active duty military can enjoy a free meal from the “Create Your Own Combo menu” on Monday, Nov. 11.
Paciugo Gelato Caffè – Paciugo is offering a free 12 oz. Gelatte® to veterans and active duty military on Monday, Nov. 11 at participating locations.
Red Robin – Veterans and active duty military get a free Tavern Double Burger and Bottomless Steak Fries on Monday, Nov. 11.
Shoney's -- Shoney's will be offering a free All-American Burger to veterans and active duty servicemembers on Monday, Nov. 11.
Sizzler – Sizzler is offering active duty and retired military members a free lunch from a limited menu on Monday, Nov. 11 until 4 p.m.
Spaghetti Warehouse – On Sunday, Nov. 10 and Monday, Nov. 11, choose one original spaghetti entrée or 15-layer lasagna and get the second entrée free. This deal requires a coupon, which is available starting Nov. 6 at the Spaghetti Warehouse website, the Facebook page, and can be presented from a mobile phone.
Texas Roadhouse – Texas Roadhouse locations nationwide will offer veterans a free lunch on Monday, Nov. 11 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Offer is good for active duty, retired or former U.S. military.
Tucanos Brazilian Grill -- Active duty, reserve and retired military and veterans receive a free Churrasco meal on Monday, Nov. 11. They are also offering 10% off the entire bill for veterans and troops who dine with their families, from Friday, Nov. 8 through Veteran’s Day, Monday, Nov. 11.
Travel Centers of America -- On Monday, Nov. 11, all CDL drivers who are military veterans eat free at participating full-service restaurants.
2013 Veterans Day Travel and Recreation:
Knotts Berry Farm – Knott's Berry Farm is offering free admission for veterans and active duty military personnel and one guest from November 4, 2013 to January 5, 2014.
National Parks - On Veterans Day weekend (Nov. 9-11) veterans will have access to over 100 National Parks that require entrance fees for free.
Red Roof Inn - Red Roof Inn is offering 15% off at more than 350 properties nationwide in the month of November to veterans, active duty military and their families.
Sea World Parks and Entertainment – Veterans and active duty military can get 50% off single-day admission tickets through Nov.11, 2013.
2013 Veterans Day Retailer Offerings:
Bed Bath and Beyond – Bed Bath and Beyond is offering veterans 20% off their entire purchase on Nov. 9, 10, and 11. This is good for active duty, DoD, reserves, guard, retirees, veterans, and military spouses.
Grace for Vets - Car washes from around the world who join this program offer free car washes to veterans and servicemembers on Nov. 11.
Home Depot – Home Depot offers a 10% discount to all veterans during Veterans Day, Memorial Day and Independence Day. Home Depot offers the 10% discount year round to for active duty and retirees.
Lowe's – All veterans receive a 10% discount on Veterans Day, Memorial Day and the Fourth of July. The offer is available in stores only.
Sport Clips – Participating locations are offering veterans and active duty servicemembers free haircuts on Monday, Nov. 11.
America's Parade – Veterans are invited to march in this New York City parade on Nov. 11.
Medal of Honor Stamps -- The U.S. Postal Service will issue special Medal of Honor stamps on Veterans Day, Nov. 11.
Year-Round Veterans Discounts:
Foot Locker – Veterans, servicemembers (active, guard, and reserve), and their immediate families with a Foot Locker Veterans Advantage Card receive a 20% discount every day of the year. That offer is good both online and at any store location, including Foot Locker, Lady Foot Locker, Kids Foot Locker, Footaction and Champs Sports — even on sale items.
Home Depot – Home Depot offers a 10% discount (up to a $500 maximum) to all active military, reserve, retired or disabled veterans and their family members with a valid military ID. All other veterans qualify for a 10% discount during Veterans Day, Memorial Day and Independence Day.
Lowe's – Lowe's offers a year-round 10% discount offer for all active duty, National Guard and Reserve, retirees and disabled servicemembers and their immediate families. All other veterans receive the 10% discount on Veterans Day, Memorial Day and the Fourth of July. The discount is available on in-stock and special-order purchases of up to $5,000. The offer can't be used on sales at Lowes.com, on previous sales or on sales of services or gift cards. You must present a valid military I.D. card to receive the discount.
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