Friday, June 26, 2015


With millions of writers in the Blogosphere, someone always has something interesting to say.  I'm noticing that lately though, my blogger buddies are not around, and I miss them, dang it! (lol)

Kids get out of school for summer vacation. TV programs are broadcasting repeats until the new Fall season.   Is that perhaps the case with bloggers as well?  Are they taking a hiatus and doing other things with plans to come back in September, or are they simply blogging a few less days during the week in order to catch up with life?

What about you?  Are you more active during the winter months with your Blog, and then winding down in the Summer?


  1. I just got back from a road trip :) Can totally understand though why the heat would get more people outside or to the pool, and having kids would make it more difficult to blog! I think I actually blog less in the colder months, but thats because of my arthritis. Lol.

    1. Road trip - yes! I'm kind of with you and thought people didn't have as much time. Had no idea about arthritis. That must be horrific during the colder months. I'll take you when I can get you, though. (lol) Hugs and hope you're feeling well today.

  2. Heck yes! Gotta soak up the sun before Winter rolls in.

    1. I think you're right, Braine. I see very laptops or iPads on the beach these days. (lol) Hugs...

  3. Nope, not due to the weather...but a broken arm. lol I stay inside as much as possible in these brain boiling temperatures.

    1. I know you've been suffering with that broken arm and I've been praying for you to get healed quickly. It sure looked painful. I've visited before and felt the same way. (lol) Couldn't come out until after 8pm. Hugs...

  4. Huh. Good question. Maybe? I don't know. Summer just started for us, so we'll see. :)

    1. Sometimes those sunny days call out for attention, just like chocolate,(lol) but I think I'm a little more consistent during Winter. I'm going to track myself and see. Hugs...Ro

  5. I don't think I'll be around much less than usual, even if we're leaving for a long vacation tomorrow morning. We have internet installed in our vacation apartment, though, so I know I'll be around, possible more in the afternoon than in the morning.

    I think that a lot of people don't have good internet access when they're traveling, and thus they spend a lot less time online.

    Have a great week ahead Ro. *hugs*

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    1. That totally makes sense, Lexie. Never considered that people just can't get on-line, right? (lol) I can imagine that drives plenty of bloggers bonkers! I'm really looking forward to your pics from Spain. Have fun! Hugs...

  6. Ah yes, the kids are off from school, I'm leaving to my mom's in july (no internet there), and well, summer days are here, it would be sad to miss on that ;) But when I get back in August, with one reader per hour at the library (Paris is a desert in August), I'm going to surf the net to death !

    1. August is our hottest month, which I have mixed feelings about. (lol) You're right. May as well catch up on the rays and fam when we can. Hugs...

  7. A lot of bloggers I know take off for the Summer too for one reason or another. I think I saw three this week put up notes. I'm still making my way through my feed (I'm so far behind!) after the bad internet issues and the auction so probably will stumble on a number more. There are like 2000 posts in my feed right now. Eeps! lol

    I blog year round and most days. I work in advance so usually I'm good and don't take off from the blog even when I'm away like the last two weeks. Posts still go up and I catch up with visits when I get back :D

    1. I give you mad props for being able to work so far in advance. I think that makes a huge difference. Some people just want to relax for the summer, which is totally cool. Oh my goodness - 2000 posts?!!!!!!! That's crazy!!!!


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