Friday, May 29, 2020

MATEO'S LAW by Sandra Cox

Even if you've never read any of Super Sandra Cox's books,(you're missing a treat) you'd fall in love with her wicked wit and kind-hearted spirit, and she's kept me laughing since 2017.  Most people write one genre, but this incredible author has the skill set to write in many genres which is not easy.  How she finds time to travel, write, garden, live life, maintain a blog and visit other bloggers is a mystery, but this is the reason I've added "Super" to her name.

This time she's writing a very cool new paranormal novel that's so unique called Mateo's Law, and there's some shapeshifting going on guys. And with those amber colored eyes, I could fall madly in love with Mateo too!

So the question of the day is - if you could, what animal would you want to shift into?  I'd definitely want to be a lion living in a not too heavily populated area of Switzerland or Alaska surrounded by lots of trees, snow, books and wi-fi.  What about you?

Enjoy Sandra' excerpt below, and there are also links to purchase her book.  Don't forget to to stop by to say hello over at her blog too.  All links are listed below.

Book Release



A modern day, shape-shifting sheriff.

He’s the sheriff of a sparsely populated county in Montana. His blood brother and childhood best friend is Chief of Police on the Blackfoot Reservation, but they no longer speak. His deputy is a Southern transplant with the body of a high-priced call girl, a voice of honey and a mouth of a trucker. And if that’s not enough, he’s got a secret that would stun those that know him best. Other than that, it’s business as usual for Sheriff Mateo Grey.


Mateo took a step past her, alert, dangerous.

Blair put a hand on his arm. Warmth surged through her fingers.  Motionless, his nostrils flared. She withdrew her hand.

One heartbeat. Two. The dark closed in around her.

Then the tension in him vanished as quickly as it came.

“Whatever, whoever is gone.”

“How do you know?” But she knew what his response would be. The same one it always was. 

“Gut feeling.” He shrugged.

A gut feeling that caused his nostrils to flare and draw in a heavy inhale as if he sniffed the air. She shrugged it off. She was too much a realist to give credence to ‘gut feelings’ but she was also savvy enough not to argue about the sheriff’s. Instead, got down to the matter at hand.  “Don’t worry about it. Something’s come up.”

He cast one long, last look into the deep, dark of the woods then turned his sharp gaze back to her. “What?” He raked fingers through thick black hair, sprinkled with silver. Moonlight outlined damn fine pecs and a lean torso. 

“We need to get to the rez.” 

“Not our jurisdiction.” He started toward the house.

“The chief of police specifically requested you.” She fell in step beside him. Demanded more like, but she wisely kept that to herself.

“Kipp? Jesse Kipp?” His eyebrows rose.

Blair strove for patience, not her strong suit, and just managed not to roll her eyes. There was only one on the rez. “Yup.”


They crossed the porch and he swung through the door.

She stepped in behind him and looked around. A small entryway led into a sparsely furnished, spacious living room with a large west window that always drew her. Pine and oak beckoned. And when the sun went down, it turned the whole landscape into a crimson and purple pallet of glory. But tonight, the view she loved made her feel vulnerable as the sky blackened and the branches reached out twisty, skeletal fingers. Impatient with herself, she pulled her mind back to the reason for being here.

“There’s a little three-year-old girl that’s lost. The weather is supposed to drop. Jesse needs all the help he can get.”

He straightened. His strange amber-colored eyes flared. He gave an abrupt nod. “Give me two minutes.”


Sandra is a vegetarian, animal lover and avid gardener. She lives with her husband, their dog and cats in sunny North Carolina.

Her stories consist of all things western…and more. She is a category bestselling Amazon author, Eppie finalist and Golden Ankh Award winner.

You can find her at: .

Her twitter handle: Sandra_Cox

Her Amazon Page:

Order Link:

Her latest western novel TumbleStar is a wonderful romance story.  Feel free to grab the book today here:


There's nothing even remotely Italian about pepperoni, so even if you get super hungry, please don't ask for a pepperoni Pizza in Italy - unless you want red bell peppers scattered on the top instead.


  1. Replies
    1. Yay indeed, R!😃 Air Hugs, RO

    2. This is cool, keep it up.👍

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  2. Love the GIF you shared and also, the excerpt as well, Sandra. 💙

    Congratulations, girl. 👏🏻🙂

    1. Hope you have an amazing weekend!

    2. Thanks, HG:)
      Steph Howard did that gif. Didn't she do an amazing job:)

    3. Totally, it's fantastic! 💛👍🏻

      Btw, really happy for you! 😉

  3. Your quite right...
    Pepperoni, is an Italian-American creation,
    it is a cured dry sausage, with similarities
    to the spicy salamis of southern Italy..
    Pepperoni is mass-produced to meet the demand
    for the sausage...In the United States..!
    Americans consume 251.7 million pounds of
    pepperoni annually, on 36% of all pizzas
    produced nationally...
    So there you have it..Sorry! Don't read books,
    but l know..all there is to know about Salamis!
    So..Yes! Place of origin..United States..! ;).
    Prime ingredients..Pork..Beef..Spices..!
    And..Coming from a's ALL true..!

    1. That's some super great info about pepperoni, right? I know books aren't your fave, Wonderful Willie(lol) Thanks for the trivia - you know I totally love it! Air Hugs, RO

  4. We hadn't hear of that one. Hey, I'd like to shape shift into a smaller shape!

    1. Now wouldn't that be a great talent to make ourselves smaller?(lol) Hope you're doing well! Air Hugs, RO

  5. I'd like to shapeshift into a pampered housecat please. With access to a lot of my favourite pepperoni pizza. Screw the Italians!

    1. 😂😂 You are always so fun! Air hugs, RO

    2. Ah, a pampered housecat. That's the life. Sounds like you're a pepperoni lover, Debra:)

  6. Sandra's book ist great, sehr is one super clever girl. I am not a pizza fan....Have a great Weekend, hugs, Valerie

    1. Why thank you, Val. I appreciate that:)
      I have to admit, I love a loaded veggie pizza;)

    2. Sandra is definitely one of the good ones for sure, and I'm so glad to met her. Air Hugs right back! RO

  7. I wouldn’t mind shapeshifting into a wolf that lives up high in the mountains with a small cabin. This book sounds really good. Hope you and your family are doing well.

    1. What a purrfect location for a wolf shapeshifter.

    2. Now that sounds pretty cool just to be away from everything Jenea. Hope you are doing well! Air Hugs, RO

  8. Ooh good question. I don't know, maybe a house cat because I know my cat has a great life. LOL But I love Otters too, and Penguins, so those might be nice. :)


    1. All would be fascinating, Lauren.

    2. You're right - house cats do get to have a fabulous life of being pampered for sure, and penguins are so cute.(lol) Hope your birthday was as amazing as you are! Air Hugs, RO

  9. WOLF! WOLF! WOLF!!!

    In one of my Blog "Incarnations," my 'name' was "Midnight Wolf"... -smile-

    And of course, I'd be the Mate of the Alpha!!! Not just any old wolf. -grin-

    Someplace cold and safe from mankind, and well stocked with food.

    If I am going to dream, I am going to make a GOOD Dream. >,-)


    1. I totally agree - if you're gonna be a wolf you may as well hang out with the best, right?(lol) I agree - a cold area with plenty of food would be fabulous. Your dream sounds okay with me! Air Hugs, RO

    2. I just came over to visit your blog, and see something about "You Can't Stay", and I'm not able to see you anymore. What's going on? Are you doing okay? You'll be very much missed! Hugs, RO

  10. What a lovely looking lady!

    I want to meet and talk with her. I'm sure she is just as lovely, as she looks. And would be a Joy, to chat with.


    1. Thank you for those kind words.

    2. Super Sandra is the best! Air Hugs, RO

    3. Hello There! Still trying to reach out to you, and to make sure you're doing okay! Hugs, RO

  11. Sandra is amazingly talented isn't she? And generous. And kind. And hardworking.
    I really don't know how she does it.

    1. I thank you, EC. And right back at ya:)

    2. Not only is she talented, but she's so humble. And yes her generous spirit is always so much appreciated. I don't know how she does it all either! Air Hugs, RO

  12. I really like the sound of this one. Sounds like a book that I would probably enjoy. I didn't realize that pepperoni wasn't italian.

    1. I'm glad to hear that, Mary. If you give it a try, I hope you enjoy it.

    2. A perfect shapeshifting book for sure Marvelous Mary, and hope you can grab it! Lots of air hugs to you and Ken! RO

  13. Sandra is great at all she does. Like you wonder, I too wonder how she fits everything in.

    1. She's definitely pretty awesome 👍. Stay safe Awesome Andrew! RO

    2. Why thank you, Andrew. I very much appreciate your kind words. Cooking and cleaning definitely slide;)

  14. Talk about someone that does NOT look like a western novel writer. I hope she has a better western picture for her covers. So I looked on google images but wound up finding this instead.

    1. Your research skills are pretty phenomenal Marvelous Mike(lol) Hope you're doing well! Air Hugs, RO

  15. I'm thrilled you spotlighted her book, RO! She truly is SUPER. She is caring, kind, generous to a fault, and has a great sense of humor. It was good to see this photo of her, too. I really enjoyed reading about this book. I may try to order it. Thanks for this.

    Like Sandra, I'm also a vegetarian, so they can add beautiful red peppers to my pizza any day, but NOT pepperoni.

    Hope you're having a safe cheeseburger day, dear friend.

    1. Why thank you, Elizabeth. I so appreciate your kind words.
      I'm with you on the red peppers instead of pepperoni:)

  16. I didn't know that about pepperoni.

    1. I thought that was pretty interesting. I'm all in for any kind of trivia, particularly food(lol). That's why I love your blog so much! Air Hugs, RO

  17. "gut feelings" is my middle name - although I see myself as quite realistic.
    I liked the excerpt. It displays Sandra's great talent as a writer.

    1. Thank you so much for that kind remark, Duta:)

    2. Sandra is truly wonderful for sure, and her talents are endless. Glad you liked the excerpt, and hope you are doing well. Nothing wrong at all wth being realistic. Sending some air hugs, RO

  18. Mega apologies, I'm the guest of honor and late to the party.
    What a lovely post. Thank you so much, Ro. I can feel the love and it's very much appreciated. xxoxoxo

    1. No problemo, Super Sandra. Totally my fault for scheduling this on the weekend, and so sorry about that. We know you've got tons and tons on your plate, and of course we love you so much! Hope your week is going amazing, and thank for the kind words! Air Hugs, RO

  19. PS. The caliby kitty in the pic looks just like my sweet Belle.

  20. PSS Love your shapeshifting choice.

    1. to be able to roam around freely and enjoy the cold weather would be totally fab! Hugs, RO

  21. Hi RO :) Hmmm...I would shape-shift into a doe; but in an area where there are no wolves or coyotes or hunters!! The doe is my spirit animal and I feel so connected to her!! :) I could live without the wi fi I think if I had a lake to gaze at! I used to LOVE pepperoni on pizza, but now that I'm older (and so is my digestion) it gives me heartburn. But I do crave it some times!!

    1. Deer are such beautiful, graceful creatures aren't they.

    2. Hey There Rain - you're right, does are so beautiful, and I agree. To be able to roam around without fear of being attacked would be pretty awesome. I like that she's your spirit animal too!I'm a pepperoni person maybe once or twice a year, and it would be on a yummy sandwich with cheese. I don't eat a lot of pizza these days either because it messes with my tummy too. Hope you're doing well and settling in at your new place! Hugs, RO

  22. Replies
    1. I don't eat much pizza these days, but I've been known to eat pepperoni on a sandwich or two. Hope you're doing well! Hugs, RO

  23. Replies
    1. I don't eat it like I used to, but it sure does taste yummy! Hope you are well! RO

  24. Yeah Pepperoni I love but pizza how we have it here is nothing like in Italy.

    I will have to grab up Sandra Cox

    1. Sandra is the nicest person, and her books truly rock! You're so right. Definitely different in Italy according to some of the cooking shows I've seen. Hope you're doing well! Hugs, RO

  25. Congratulations to Sandra Cox. Not sure I would want to be an animal, unless I could turn into one of my lucky cats. Have a lovely Sunday R.

    1. Turning into a cat would be very cool indeed! Hope you're doing well Sami! Hugs, RO

  26. Hmmmm... I have often thought it would be incredible to be a large raptor, soaring across the sky! But I'd want to be someplace with low populations of humans!

    1. A raptor. Now that would be seriously exciting.

    2. Now that sounds like a really cool idea just to see the world from that angle, and I agree - not too much traffic! Hope you're doing well Jen, and thanks again for your awesome Twitter posts! Hugs, RO

  27. Well, well, Mateo's Law sounds like just the thing. I do love a mashing of paranormal with suspense and the western setting is just a plus. I was hooked by the excerpt. Hmm, I guess I would like to be a Siberian Tiger shifter in a cold remote place, too.

    Thanks for the introduction to Sandra Cox's work, Radiant Ro!

    1. Sandra has some awesome writing skills for sure, right? Yes and more yes to being a Siberian Tiger shifter in the snow Sophia! Hope you and the famly are doing well! Hugs, RO

  28. Radiant Ro. Very apropos.
    Glad you liked the excerpt and premise, Sophia Rose. And a Siberian Tiger sounds like a purrfect shifter.

    1. Sophia sure has a fun way with words, right?(lol) Let's all turn into tigers! Hope all is well! RO

  29. Thanks for sharing that excerpt, Ro. It sounds really good and I love the unique premise.

    1. Thanks, Suzanne. So glad you liked the premise and excerpt.

  30. Replies
    1. That's a shocker, right?(lol) Sure hope you're doing well Karen! Hugs, RO

  31. Ooh fun question! I'd maybe go with a bird, maybe an eagle, or a dolphin- to be able to explore the seas.

    And I love it when an author can write multiple genre well. Always nice. :)

    Interesting about pepperoni. I do admit I love pepperoni on pizza but since going vegetarian I obviously don't indulge much anymore (although do I occasionally cheat? YES). lol

    1. Wouldn't being an eagle or a dolphin be glorious?

    2. I'm not a water person, except for 2 showers a day(lol), but there are some wonderful sights to see in the ocean from what I've seen on television, so being a dolphin sure sounds like a great idea, Gorgeous Greg. It's very impressive that Sandra can write in some many other genres for sure. Still super proud that you've been able to go full vegetarian. I sure wish I could, and know that it's a healthy way to eat. I love my cheeseburgers way too much!(lol) Hope you're doing well, and sending lots of hugs, RO

  32. Congratulations Sandra Cox, MATEO'S LAW sounds like a great read. I was hooked by the excerpt. Thank you for introducing this, RO.

    1. Thanks so much, dellgirl. I'm so glad you liked it.

  33. Congratulations to Super Sandra! I love when writers can write in more than one genre. That's a testament to their talent.


  34. Hope your weekend is as fun and special as you, Rockin Ro:)
    Stay safe. Be healthy.

    1. Late in responding as usual - lol! Sending lots of air hugs, RO

  35. Congratulations to Sandra :)

    All the best Jan

  36. Good day, Rockin Ro. Hope it's filled with good books, good movies and great cheeseburgers. Make mine veggie:)

    1. Books, (yay!), movies(yay!) and believe it or not, I've been minimal on the cheeseburgers last week, Super Sandra. What's up with that?(lol) RO

  37. Enjoy your weekend, Rockin Ro. Hope you're feeling in the know:)

    1. Hope your weekend was amazing, and the latest "in the know" will be coming soon(lol) Waving at you through all the rain here. Hugs, RO

  38. Oh my, she is insanely talented! I also did not know that about pepperoni! Go figure!

    1. How kind of you to say, Verushka. Thank you:)

  39. Your mention of pepperoni, reminds me that I haven't eaten any salami for ages! As I get older, I become more conscious about my eating choices, and so, many food items just disappear from my regular menu.

    1. I need to take a page out of your book for eating better dear Duta! Definitely trying to bring more veggies in for sure. Hope you're doing well! Hugs, RO

  40. Have a wondrous weekend. Try to get in that fifteen minutes:)

    1. I've been adding some steps in, but mostly in the super cold Walmart, Super Sandra1(lol) Walking around the entire store is something else! Hugs, RO

  41. Awesome to see Sandra being spotlighted here today. Mateo's Law sounds intriguing. If I could shape shift into an animal- I would want to either be a bird or a dolphin. Would love the sensation of flying and swimming so powerfully. :)

    Have a great weekend!

    1. Super Sandra is such a great author and a wonderful person. I can't swim, so I'd be iffy on the dolphin, but they are beautiful to see in the ocean. Love to see how they interact with people too. Hope you're doing well! Hugs, RO

  42. Sounds interesting!

    If I were a shifter, I think I'd like to be... a dragon. Intelligent, hard to kill, and able to fly? Sounds good to me. But failing that, either a cat or a raptor of some sort (hawk, eagle, or owl.)

    1. The idea of being able to fly definitely sounds fun for sure Lark. What a fantastic way to experience the scenery and nature. Hugs and hope you're doing well! RO

  43. Hey RO, it’s me again. I’m back just saying hi, stopping in to show my face. Checking to see what you’re up to. I hope you are having a great day. Enjoy yourself!

    Wishing you all the best!

    1. Ditto. Copy & Paste. Xerox what I said up there. Just checking on you, saying HI! Wishing you a wonderful weekend! Stay Safe, dear friend!

  44. Hi Ro, not heard of this author but with all she does I can see why you call her super. :)

  45. Hey Ro,
    Hope today is filled with sparkle, good books, good movies and cheeseburgers:)

  46. I love. veggie pizza or plain cheese. And now I am craving pizza Ro!!

  47. Thanks for the recommendation! And for the info about pizza! Have a rockin' good week!

  48. That kitty pic looks like the old and the new at the Cox household.
    Hope you are having a wondrous day and feeling purrfectly healthy.

  49. Hope you're having a weekend as wondrous as you:)
    Stay cool.

  50. blessings....
    I am an avid reader. I don't think I've read anything yet by Sandar cox. Just added it to my "want to read list"

    I hope all is well with you and you are staying safe, healthy and happy.

    Stay blessed.
    have a grand week.

    1. Thanks for adding me to your list, Rhapsody:)

  51. Love red bell peppers. Recently I discovered that it is the green one which turns yellow and then red.

  52. Happy Sunday, Rockin Ro.
    Stay cool.

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