Tuesday, January 10, 2017


The other day, I was watching a program on television with a woman who had a three story closet, and it was magnificent!  But I wondered if most of us would want a closet that large or glamourous in our homes, and if so, what in the world would we store there?

These closets would be surely large enough for all my shoes and purses of course, but the rest of all that space could be dedicated to my massive TBR pile. (lol)  It would be so peaceful and relaxing to read a good book and to hide from the rest of the world with no phones or television.  But what about you?  Shoes or books in your dream closet?

This recipe is super simple to make, and you don't have to worry about pie dough or using a lot of your valuable time.  You can bake 2 6-Inch Tortillas in the oven at 375 degrees until toasted, or purchase the crunchy tostadas that come in a package from your local grocery store.

In a medium nonstick pot, combine 1 Tsp Cornstarch with 1/4 Cup Cold Water, stirring to dissolve. Mix in 1 1/2 cups peeled, chopped Apples, (Granny Smith or one of your faves) 1 Tbsp Sugar, 1/2 Tsp Lemon Juice, 1/2 Tsp Cinnamon, 1/8 Tsp Pure Vanilla Extract, and a dash of Salt.  Cook on medium-low heat, stirring frequently, until the mixture is gooey, 10-12 minutes. Remove from heat.  Top each tostada with your apple mixture and serve enough for 2 people. Why not add a dollop of vanilla ice cream or whipped cream to make this tasty treat even more fun!
Ironically, he's now the same age that I used to say was really old when I was a kid - lol


  1. Heaven. Just heaven. Though, I'd take those shoes and clothes and replace them with my books. Lol.

    1. Girl, just the thought of that luxury to put books, shoes and anything else in would be so fab. But I think I'd be like you and have more books, too. (lol)

  2. Ro, happy birthday to your son. My oldest turned 35 last year, she said next year I'll be twice the age you were when I had her... she feels old... lol

    I'd like the closet for a mix of shoes/clothes/books... even the it would be empty... haha xox ♡♡

    1. Thanks so much Lovely Launna! Kids can say the funniest things, right? I'd like a good mix as well. Hugs...

  3. OMG that first quote is SO me.. I am working on turning my office into a library, and I just cant quite get that wall to wall look... a walk in library like the picture is my DREAM!!! - http://www.domesticgeekgirl.com

    1. That sounds so exciting! I can't wait to see it once you're done with the transformation. YES! A walk-in library just sounds so fabulous!

  4. Happy birthday to your son. My daughter is 25, boy how time fly's.
    I think I would have to store books in a closet that big. I don't own enough shoes to put in it but I do have about 2000 books so that would be nice.

    1. Kids grow up so fast. Wow, Mary - 2000 books?! I'll bet that list is still climbing, right? (lol) Hugs...

  5. Best wishes to your son on his birthday! And, thank you for the recipe!!

    1. Thanks so much for the kind wishes, and the recipes just seems so easy.

  6. I love shoes. I'm not a shopper and that is my favorite thing to shop for but I don't have enough places to go for a three story closet. Even though I've long traded hardcopies for the Kindle I'd still rather have a library ;-) Happy Birthday to your son!

    1. I'm a shoe fanatic, but I've toned it down a little, so for me shoes and books would fit nicely. Like you, I don't know that I have enough to go three stories, but a girl can sure try! (lol)

  7. Those apple pie tostados look so good! I'm a fan of anything cooked on a tortilla! I always love looking at the fancy closets and I adore clothes but I just don't understand spending all that money and space on a closet. I have an okay sized walk in closet and a good sized dresser and it works. When everything gets jammed in I get overwhelmed and feel like I can't find what i need to find. That being said I don't need too much variety in my wardrobe. It'd probably be different if I required work wear, casual and formal.

    1. This recipe looks so simple to make, and a tortilla makes it even better. I like the luxury of it, but if it got too stuffed, I would be pulling out my hair! (lol) Hugs...

  8. Oh I would definitely use such closets for books and if there is room, then shoes and clothes and perhaps a very comfortable couch too. but then is it really a closet?

    have a lovely day.

    1. LOL! Good point. It's probably still a closet, but a very unique one, I guess. Hugs...

  9. Holy cow. I could fill up like a tiny corner of that closet. lol I wouldn't mind one that big for storage, though! But all one level. Gah but stairs and getting old are mean. Ha!

    1. I'm with you. Have lots of shoes and books, but definitely not enough to fill all that space. However, I could think of some other things to throw in there. (lol) The peace and quiet would be so wonderful though. Give me an elevator!

  10. The woman that you watched, is that her closet in the pics? She got robbed shortly after an interview with the Today show (I think) a while back. The robber returned some of her items because they're allegedly great imitations lol... give me a library over a closet! lol

    1. Yes, that's the one Braine. I couldn't believe that place was robbed after being highlighted on television. How did they even find her? Bet they were fooled, huh? ((lol)


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